Chapter 6

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"This week's match will last from Friday to Saturday."

Indigo's voice rang throughout the clearing. I winced as a beam of sunlight hit my tired eyes, stifling a yawn as she went on.

"Today, we will be playing a hide-and-seek type of game. The objective of the game is to eliminate all other pairings. And, by the way, the pairings will be assigned and must stay together."

This caused an uproar of groans and mutters.

Indigo shot pointed glares into the crowd as she snapped, "Yes, you heard me correctly. As I was saying, paintball guns will be handed out. If you are shot with a paintball gun, both you and your partner are out of the game, and are free to do what you want for the rest of the day. The game will take place in the forest just outside of town. If you do not know where this forest is, please find someone who does. Bella is not here today since she is currently traveling to New York City, so I will be the referee. This game will be played from 9 AM, which is in exactly thirty minutes, until 4 PM. If there is not a winner by then, we will start doing fighting matches. These will be one partner against another paring's partner, and will be like a tournament. Now, I will announce the pairings."

As she began to read through the list of names, I elbowed Leo in the side.

"Fuck," he hissed, glaring at me. "That hurt."

"Please," I rolled my eyes. "That did not. Anyways, where's this forest she's talking about."

"You know the abandoned highway?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Sort of," I admit. Though I'd never ventured near the rundown highway, I'd heard stories of adventures on it.

"If you walk on it for a bit and then turn left," he explains. "There is a forest. That's what she's talking about. Don't worry, I'm sure your partner can help you out."

"Okay," I breathe, focusing my attention on Indigo once more.

"Kasey Ostlie and Ellen Smith," Indigo calls out, and my eyes flick to Ellen. She looks nervous as her eyes scan the crowd, trying to look for Kasey.

"Leo Perez and Aaron Kim," Indigo continues, and they high-five over my head. I furrow my eyebrows at the name 'Perez'. Though Leo was the only person that I knew with the last name, it somehow seemed familiar. Brushing it off, I refocused my attention on Indigo.

She glances at the crowd, and somehow, our eyes meet.

"Bryony Credere," she pauses, glancing down at her paper.

I crack my knuckles.

"And," she continues, glancing up at me.

"Fox Asterisco."

Relief rushed through me. Though I didn't know Fox all that well, and he seemed like a bit of an ass, he was a sure upgrade from a total stranger. I hastily look around, searching for the familiar dark haired, warm eyed figure.

Suddenly, I feel a warm air on my neck and I shiver as Fox's voice trickles into my ear, low and soft. "Hey partner," he says, his arm brushing my own as he makes his way to stand before me.

"So," I begin, feeling goosebumps prick the back of my neck. "Where's-"

"The paintball guns and paintballs are in the school," Indigo continued, and my eyes flick to where she still stands before us all. "They are hidden throughout the halls, classrooms, and even the bathrooms. Once you get a paintball gun and paintballs for both you and your partner, you are free to make your way to the forest. Whoever gets their things first, gets to leave first, so, I suggest you try your hardest to find your guns quickly."

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