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"It's actually really nice, just talking" Dahlia chuckled walking alongside one of her frequent admirers

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"It's actually really nice, just talking" Dahlia chuckled walking alongside one of her frequent admirers.

It was strange, to say the least—just walking beside him without the tension or feeling of the aftermath they usually dealt with after sleeping together.

In fact, prior activity did not happen, because the male had offered to just have a chat with her, instead of the occasional snog or shag when he was under the impression of stress.

It was one of the main reasons that Dahlia companied others. Though, while it was not a proper ideal approach, it worked for her and the others without argument.

All of them understood that the time spent together was limited. It did not extend further than the time needed and when they crossed each other in the halls—there was no awkward encounters or avoidance when it was a new day because they understood.

"It is" Dahlia agreed as she smiled at the male. Who in fact, was the youngest son of the infamous reserve member of the quidditch team Puddlemere United and alumni of Hogwarts, Oliver Wood.

Jonah Wood—unlike his father and elder siblings, was not interested in Quidditch. It was one of the main reasons that he had sought out the comfort of Dahlia.

While it was mostly just lying in bed and seeking the warmth of another—Dahlia made him forget the pressure of being the black cat in the family of quidditch players.

"I finally told my father about not wanting to join the team" Jonah confessed lowly as he lowered his head-scratching his cheek," I guess you can say I got it easy, thanks to my older siblings"

"Really? What made you decide to finally tell him?"

Jonah smiled tilting his head," A special someone, who had been patient with me"

Dahlia's face relaxed at his words and understood why the male had rejected any bed activity. He was graduating from his nights with her and all she could think about is how glad the events turned.

Jonah was a quite shy fella, who started out with just a simple cuddle and light pecks. The snogging and shagging was a rare occurrence—which never really advanced as much as one would assume.

Dahlia always kept her nights with him slow-paced and simple. Mainly for consideration and as well with hving an inkling from the start that he was going to be one of the first to call it quits.

"It's time for you to wash your hands clean, Jonah" Dahlia stopping walking and held his robes to halt him.

The male peered at her in slight confusion at the action, however, the last he expected to happen was have her wrap her arms around him.

"Continue to be strong and I wish you the best with your days forward," She whispered in conclusion while adding a light kiss to his cheek.

Jonah smiled at her gratefully as she walked off. Though before she was completely out of sight, he chose to call out to her," Promise me you'll also find that strength"

Dahlia's eyes lowered with her back still facing him. She felt the sting in her chest at his words.

Was it possible for her to do so?

Was she truly able to allow herself that chance?

Dahlia turned to him with the usual face of amusement that hid her true emotion. The power that words caused one's mind to function was not on her agenda—so she just nodded. She did not want to say anything that made her mind befuddled.

She did not want the words to exchange into considering her actions—she was fine with how things currently were.

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