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The long and slow months of Dahlia trying to smile and pretend it was okay had prolonged longer than she had expected

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The long and slow months of Dahlia trying to smile and pretend it was okay had prolonged longer than she had expected.

The more she tried to not think about it the more it made it back into her mind about how she should do something about it. With her mind constantly trying to betray her into taking actions, Dahlia used the chance to consume herself into her work.

Anyone that knew her could see the exhaustion she wore each day and Hugo so happened to be one of those observant people. Though, with the recent talk he's had with Harlow—on her concern of him being too close to her, had caused the male to be stressed with not knowing if he had the right to even intervene.

He and Dahlia were still adjusting to their friendship—that only really began when they started studying together. However, with the cause and effect of getting to know the older female, he knew that she was not as what he assumed from the start.

Dahlia—while she was known for her frivolous nature and how she suddenly just stopped only caused Hugo to be one of the people that we're curious about what had happened.

The only people that actually knew was Lily and the people Dahlia had used to accompany at night.

However, that was not the truth—One other person had known this.

Someone with no connections directly to Dahlia and one that had shown her jealousy over.

A female that had once been in love with Dahlia—who knew of the Gryffindors recent affection towards Hugo.

One that took action and swooped in to make sure that they wouldn't become a couple as long as she lived.

Harlow Evergreen, a Hufflepuff that had admired Dahlia Jones the moment she laid eyes on her. The obsession that had unhealthily led to enjoying the way she knew things were going as she planned.

However, her jealousy was not just towards Hugo, but with Lily as well.

Which had ended with the female Gryffindor into the hospital wing one day.

The Potter left confined to the bed for a while, had left Dahlia to investigate the odd predicament that just did not add up.

The timing of it had been during a quidditch game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

Lily had decided to play nice and invite Harlow to watch them since Dahlia told her to stop outing the female in respect of Hugo.

The Potter had despised Harlow and it was not because she thought that the Hufflepuff was dating Hugo—but from the get-go, she just felt like the female was not really who she says she was.

In the beginning, she just thought that Harlow looking at Hugo and Dahlia when they studied as jealousy, however, in the Great Hall the nagging feeling of being stared at from afar was put together.

When she and Dahlia were together in the halls, the feeling remained and her suspicion was confirmed when she stepped away from the stands to head for the loo—she was followed yet again and before she made it down the stairs, she was pushed.

Lily had been able to see a glimpse of yellow on the robes of her assailant and the sound of the low and menacing voice that matched Harlow's.

When Dahlia visited Lily in the hospital wing one day, from Lily's lips—Dahlia had heard a faint mumble from her unconscious friend's lips.

"Hugo is next"

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