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Hugo and Dahlia's wedding was probably the last within the family of that generation

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Hugo and Dahlia's wedding was probably the last within the family of that generation.

The pair had not been ready for it until another 10 more years.

In a total of 18 years of being together was when they finally decided to tie the knot.

When the wedding came, it was not as grand as the other members because the pair didn't want something extravagant. It went by just as it had begun and no one had a complaint about it agreeing that it seemed fitting for the couple who both were hugely not a fan of attention in any context.

Their plans for the next step, which was having kids—had not came easy.

Unfortunately, after Hugo's poisoning from back in Hogwarts—he was unable to have kids. It was a huge step back in their plans, but Dahlia and Hugo both knew it was not over because adopting was always an option.

Sure, there are other options for Dahlia to be able to have kids on her own—but she didn't feel it was right if it was not with Hugo. So, instead, the decision to adopt was instantly their first plan.

Eventually, Dahlia had no longer became a travelling potioneer, wanting to be there for their kids without having to leave whenever her job required it.

In a short amount of time, Dahlia and Hugo had both found their jobs at Hogwarts.

Hugo had become the newest Professor for flying lessons and Dahlia as the new potion's professor succeeding Professor Slughorn—who quite frankly couldn't wait for a second to finally leave the position.

In due course, the next generation soon took over and things went as smoothly as many had prayed for.

"What are you doing?" The youngest of Dahlia and Hugo's voice allowed their older siblings to jump in fright.

"Bloody hell, don't do that!" The eldest whispered yelled as they held a hand to their chest," Merlin, do you want them to catch us?"

"Shh, just stop talking or else you'll wake them"

The youngest furrowed their brows and peered over the pair. Through the crack of the Potion's classroom door, their parents were both found with their heads on the desk sleeping.

"Merlin and they get mad when we sleep at our desk" The youngest grumbled incoherently

"Well, we can let them have it tomorrow, for now, let's just let them rest"

The second eldest laughed and stood up," I can't wait to scold them!"

"Yeah, yeah let's head back before we get caught by the prefects"

The three children left and the sound of their footsteps faded.

"You know, we should really stop letting them off when they sneak out after hours" Dahlia leaned up knowing that their children were no longer in sight," I swear, one day they are going to figure out we are pretending"

Hugo chuckled and kept his head on the desk," Well, we see them all day, whereas we only see each other after classes ended. We can't even eat with each other for any of our meals"

"I feel as if that is mostly said towards me" Dahlia raised an eyebrow smirking

Hugo pouted and lifted his head, "Well, who is the one that decided to have an extra session of class for tutoring?"

"It's just something I feel useful, besides tutoring is a special thing for me"

"Really? How so?"

"For starters, it was because of tutoring that I fell in love for the first time"

Hugo smiled at her words and suggestively smirked," Really? Do tell me the story"

Dahlia chuckled and leaned on her palm," Well it all started with a certain Keeper..."

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