I wish i could forget my past✔️

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I wish I could forget.
Forget all the tears and pain,
forget all the hurt and shame,
forget all the things of my past,
because like most, they didn't last.
Forget the memories of your face.
It's wrapped around my
heart like intricate lace.
Forget all the times you made
me mad, but I would have to
forget all the fun we had.
I want to forget the joy you
made me feel, the joy that
to me, felt so real.
I want to forget the grip
you had on my heart,
a grip so tight that it broke us apart.
I want to forget the tears
that I still cry, because I see
you in their eyes. I want to
forget everything about you.
I don't want to have a clue.
I want to forget everything in my past,
because if I don't,
i know my future will pass.

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