Marley's Spy

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A/N- Hello again, I'm back with a new story as you can see. This story is something that I've toyed with for a while now, and it's been fun to write so far. Its been a struggle for me to write recently, and I wasn't completely happy with the way my other stories have gone, so hopefully this will be a fresh slate for me to start with, and hopefully you guys will enjoy it.

He was a Tybur, born and raised like one, he never needed to wear an armband like the other Eldians on the mainland, but that didn't mean he was any less than any other Eldian's, it only meant he was born with privileges, ones that only his family were entitled to.

That was until the inheritance of the Warhammer Titan was up for debate once more. His uncle Willy was the main candidate to inherit the power, with Willy's younger sister, Y/N's mother close behind in the debate over who would take the power.

Though with Marley's warrior programme having been somewhat of a success in training and finding young people to inherit the six Titan's under possession of the Marleyan Military, it only took a few words from an eleven year old Y/N to Captain Magath when he was visiting the Tybur residence for the idea of him in the warrior programme to click.

The answer was a sharp and flat no the first time Magath asked about it, from both Willy and Lady Tybur, but there was a lot of pressure coming from ones higher up than Magath to at least put the boy through the training to see if he was any good, and after General Calvi paid the Tybur's a visit with Magath, their request was hesitantly accepted.

For an eleven year old boy at the time, he was very enthusiastic about the training he received at first, though all other Titans were in the field, there was still one recruit alongside him in the training, thirteen year old Zeke Yeager, he was only a couple years older than Y/N, but they were just about on par for things like physical ability.

Though Zeke was smarter and quicker when it came to written and thinking tasks, Y/N had the bizarre ability to seemingly vanish without a trace and reappear when you least expected him to.

Though as the years passed, Zeke got further ahead of him physically at the age of fifteen, though in that year Y/N was to inherit the WarHammer Titan, one that was viewed as the second most powerful Titan, even without it seeing combat for a hundred years.

He inherited it from his grandfather, who was the head of the family at the time, which made Willy the head of the family for the foreseeable future because there was no thirteen year limit on his lifespan from now on, but there was on Y/N's. He would only live until he was twenty six, but that didn't really matter to him because he knew his mother and uncle wouldn't have to bear the burden of the WarHammer Titan.

From the age of thirteen to fifteen he trained alongside Zeke and the new batch of warrior cadets, there were six of them, but there was only five Titan powers to share between them.

Marcel and Porco Galliard, Bertholdt Hoover, Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhart and Pieck Finger, a strange last name, but she was very capable for her age, they all were, well all of them aside from Reiner, he was practically useless, but he was extremely loyal, so that was something at least.

Though he wasn't training with them all the time, because he was often training in his Titan form, which was extremely formidable, especially in combat against the other Titan shifters. He had a training session with the Armoured Titan in his last year as the shifter, and while he managed to hold his own against the bulkier and heavier Armoured Titan, their hardening abilities were miles apart.

The WarHammer's hardening ability was far stronger than any other Titans, his hardened fists turned the Armoured Titan's armour into dust and crumbs with the impacts it made, his hardened claws went through the armour and flesh like a hot knife through butter.

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