Chapter 2: Everything Has Changed

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Two years had passed, life goes on but its not as easy as you think it might be. I have very supportive family and friends, they were the ones who got me back on my feet. I couldn't imagine how life will be without their help and support two years ago. Believe me, I've gone through a hectic life without Nick.

I remember coming home from Nick's funeral, I had a panic attack and I could see the worried look on my mother's face as she rushed to me just to calm me down. After that incident, my parents sent me for theraphy and once in a while a psychologist will come to my house to observe my condition.

My parents told me that I was suffering from depression and that I was traumatized by Nick's death. I wouldn't deny it either, I saw the love of my life got shot in the head and died infront of me. What kind of person in their right mind wouldn't be traumatized by seeing the person they loved for so long, gone in a blink of an eye?

I met Nick when I was 23, I just started working as an undercover agent and was assigned to collaborate and go on a mission with him. I don't know why but everytime I went on a mission with him, everything seems to be all fun and less stressful. I was once assigned to collaborate with agent James and boy it was nerve wrecking and stressful.

After knowing each other so well for 2 years, Nick asked me for a hand in marriage and I without any doubts accepted it. He is a very loving man and I trusted him, my parents were thrilled and happy for me after I came back and told them I was engaged. My parent met Nick so many times and they loved him, so they were the most excited ones in the house besides me.

But now... everything has changed, I no longer have Nick by my side, I quit being an undercover agent, dyed my chestnut brown hair into dirty blonde and moved in with my parents from the house I bought with Nick because the memory of him depress and haunts me.

Nobody from the secret agent company knew where I was because I decided to vanish without informing anyone about my whereabouts. I even changed my number so that no one from N.I.G.H.T (the company name...) could contact me. I remain my identity a secret for the sake of my parents. It will be too risky for my family if anyone were to know that I was an ex- undercover agent spy.

Now I'm at the balcony of my parents house, feeling the gush of wind blowing in my face and I looked at the small little chip in my palm. This was the device they were talking about. This was the cause of The Vipers taking away Nick's life... it is a tiny memory card that held the most important information of the company.

The Vipers were trying to steal it. Everyone in N.I.G.H.T agreed that this chip couldn't be kept in the lab or anywhere in the building because there were many break in cases. The Vipers would do anything to get their filthy hands on this precious device. After many discussions, N.I.G.H.T decided to hand the memory card to Nick because he was the most experienced and trusted agent they ever had and he even has his own private lab at home. One day before Nick was killed, we discussed something together.

*** Jules flashback ***

"Nick! Put me down please!"

"Okay okay!, we're almost there, hold on."

Nick placed me on the bed in our room and threw himself in the empty space beside me.

"So what do you think of the movie?" I asked him.

"Wait, what is it called again?"

"The Fault In Our Stars!" I giggled.

"Oh right. It was touching but I didn't cry like how you did."

"Oh really?, so that means you did cry?"

"No! I didn't cry at all!"

"Liar!" I said and Nick chuckled.

"Maybe I felt like crying but the tears didn't show up you know..." he said as he pulled me closer to him.

"I find that Hazel in the movie was really beautiful." I said.

"Just like you..." Nick said as he looked into my eyes and traced his fingers on my cheek. "You're as beautiful as an angel."

Nick leaned in and pressed his soft lips against mine, he's tongue explored my mouth as he gently cupped the back of my head, I snaked my hands around his arms and his lips shifted to my cheek and my spine tingles as he nibbled my neck.

After our makeout session ended, Nick took a bath while I went to our balcony and watched the beautiful night sky. While I was lost in the beauty of the night, I felt Nick's hands wrapped around my waist.

"You're all right?" He asked as he placed his chin on my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine, the sky... its really pretty."

"Yup... it is."

I looked at Nick's face. Something seems to be bothering him, I could tell by the stressed look on his face.

"Nick, baby what's wrong?" I touched his arm.

"This... this is what's wrong." He showed me the chip.

"Why?, what's wrong with the N.I.G.H.T's device?" I asked confused.

"I was assigned to spy on The Vipers tommorrow."

"Okay... so what's wrong?"

"I need you to keep it."

"What!? Nick! They trusted you, not me!"

"I know I know... I need you to keep it safe for me, just in case I won't be coming back after that..."

I was shocked hearing what he just said.

"Nick! Don't say that!" I scolded.

"You don't know The Vipers Jules, they're violent people and they will rip a person apart literally just to get what they want."

"I know... but-" tears started pooling in my eyes.

"Shhh... its alright sweetheart." Nick wiped away my tears and hugged me tightly.

"I'll do it Nick. I promise I will guard the device like my life depends on it. I'll do anything for you." I whispered to him as he stroked my hair.

*** end of flasback ***

I gripped the device in my palms, I made a promise to Nick that I will guard this thing. I wont let him down. This chip contains a lot of information and secrets of the company. I'll have to hand it to one of N.I.G.H.T's agent somehow but the problem is that no one in that company knows that Nick had handed me that device. If I were to hand it to someone who couldn't be trusted, then I'm doomed. I thought for a minute and realise that I could hand it to agent James. I'm sure he could be trusted.

I sighed, tears pooled my eyes about the thought of Nick trusting me for guarding the company's secret. I blinked the tears away, I'm not the girl I used to be anymore, no... that was the weak Jules that didn't stood up for herself. My name is Juliet Summes, well known as Jules, I'm a 28 year old woman and I am going to fix things, hand the device back to N.I.G.H.T and seek revenge towards those cruel animals that took away the life of my fiance without mercy. Those animals are going to pay for what they've done!

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