19. The Shirshu

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"Wake up, Yozora! We're ice dodging today!" I heard Katara and Sokka shake me. "It's too early..." i groaned as i snuggled deeper into Appa's fur.

"Come on. It's the first time for Sokka and he's really excited about it. Please, for him?" Katara said.

"Okay, okay. But let me have something to eat first." I said stumbling up.


After breakfast we ice dodging. Well, technically rock dodging since there wasn't any ice. Sokka did quite good for the first time. Katara and i pulled a big wave to go over the rocks and Aang helped too. After successfully finishing the job, all four of us got our marks.

"The spirits of water bear these marks. The mark for wisdom for Sokka, just like your father earned at his first ice blocking. For Katara, the mark of bravery," Bato smiled kindly at the siblings.

"The mark of courageous for Yozora, and the mark of trusted for Aang." he drew our marks on our foreheads.

"No." Aang said and i look at him strangely.

"What's wrong Aang?" Katara asked. Aang shook his head, "You can't trust me" he said.

"And why's that?" Katara asked. Aang took a crumbled paper from his shirt and handed it to Katara.

"The messenger gave this to me last night." he said guiltily. That's why he was so off last night.

"THIS IS A MAP TO OUR FATHER! YOU HAD IT THE WHOLE TIME!" Sokka screamed at Aang angrily.

While he was screaming at Aang, Katara and i looked at the map. "Are you going to find your father?" I asked her sadly.

"We must... He's my family and we need to find him..." Katara said. I hugged Katara and smiled, "It's okay. I'll look out for Aang. I always do." I said as she keeps glancing over Aang. "Thanks" she said.

Sokka stomped angrily and walked away from Aang. "Are you coming?" Sokka asked.

I sighed hesitatingly, "I can't and you know that. I need to get home too." I looked at him in the eyes. It was filled with sadness and anger. Too much to be dived into.

"Guess this is goodbye..." Sokka said. "We'll see each other again, ponytail guy. I'll miss you." I hugged him. He hugged back and left with a sad smile. I turned to Aang as they got farther and farther away.

"Aang" i said softly. He ran into my arms and hugged me. He buried his head to my neck as i pet his back.

"I'm so stupid." Aang said.

"But it wasn't. You thought they were going to leave you and they're the only family you have. I would've done the same thing."

He let go of the hug and wiped his tears away.

"You're the best, you know that?"

"Yeah, i know." I told him.

"So when should we leave?" I asked Aang. "We could leave now after we pack some food for the way." he said not daring to look me in the eyes.

"Avatar, you must leave!" a nurse came rushing over. I could see terror written all over her face. "Yeah, yeah. I'm leaving. Jeez, i get it how nobody wants me here!" Aang said out of frustration.

"No, there are people looking for you!" she yelled. "Who was it?" I asked.

"A fierce looking woman with a monster and young man with a scar."

"Oh no, it's Zuko." I said. "He was using the scent of a necklace to find you." the woman said.

"A necklace?"

"Katara!" Aang gasped. "Yip yip!" I said as i hopped onto Appa and flew to the village.

I saw Katara and Sokka laying on the shirshu, unmoving with Zuko, Iroh and a lady. Appa attacked the shirshu and they fought, making the people on top of it fall on to the ground.

"You okay, Katara?" I called. "Yeah!" she yelled back. I put the perfume near Katara making her get back up again and did the same for Sokka.

"I'm so glad you're not hurt." I hugged him as soon as he got his posture back. He blushed and smiled softly before smirking. "C'mon let's kick those royal butts up!"

"Hey, Iroh. Good to see you!" I smiled warmly at the old man as i passed by. "Good to see you too, Mitsuki!" he chuckled and fought. "By the way, the name's not Mitsuki." I giggled as i knocked him to the ground.

I faced Zuko and smirked. "Hey, Zuko. Back for more already? Dear you must've missed me tons" i mocked him.

"Hand us the avatar and we'll leave you all alone." Zuko spat with venom.

"Hmm, let me think about it," i put my index finger on my chin to 'think' then i turned to him, "how about a no? Because you and i both know that's full of bullshit!" I grinned at him.

He sent a fist at my face but i quickly ducked and kicked his chest, leaving him stumbling over himself and fall. Appa fell because of the shirshu's venom and got paralyzed.

Then i had an idea, "Everyone, spill the perfume from the barrels!" I said as Katara and i water bend the perfume to the shirshu since it tracks people's and animal's scents. It got confused and paralyzed it's owner and the fire nation royals and ran off to the woods.

"Yay, we did it!" I hugged Katara tightly, giggling. Appa seems to get back up and we left the place. "Hey, what happened to Bato?" Aang asked.

"He left to find our father and the others on his own." Sokka said.

"Don't you wanna see your father?" Aang asked.

"Of course we do but you're family too and you need us the most now." Katara said. "I'm so sorry that I can't give something for remembering this day for you Katara!" Aang said.

"No, it's alright. Glad you're safe." she smiled. "But i really really do wish i could get something like a family value." Aang insisted.

"I said it's okay, Aang." Katara said. "Hmm, maybe i want something like this to give it to you!" Aang said revealing Katara's mother's necklace that Zuko stole.

Katara gasped, "Thank you, Aang. How did you get this?!" she said happily as she put it on. "Oh, Zuko said i should probably give it to you, ya'know!" Aang said innocently.

"Aww, that's so sweet of him. Could you kiss him on the cheek when you see him again, please?" Katara said leaning in for Aang's cheek. His cheeks grew red and smiled like an idiot.

"These two are gonna end up together!" I giggled at Sokka who shrugged in disgust.


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