65. The Boiling Rock II

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Yozora's POV

BACK IN THE YARD, I saw Zuko approach Sokka, but it seems like he didn't know it is him. I stared at the two sadly as I thought about how will Zuko break the disappointing news.

"Hey there, fellow guard, how goes it?" Zuko asked awkwardly.

Sokka looked at him weirdly before putting up his helmet's visor, "Zuko?" he asked.

The water tribe boy was immediately hushed by the ex-fire nation prince, "Shhh! Listen, I asked around the lounge. There are no Water Tribe prisoners. I'm afraid your father's not here." he said.

"What? Are you sure, did you double-check?" Sokka asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Zuko nodded sadly.
Sokka's eyes widened, "No. No!" he said as he banged his fists against the wall in frustration.

Zuko sighed, "I'm really sorry, Sokka."

"So we came all this way for nothing? I failed ... again."

Zuko thought as he held his chin in thought, "Ah...what would Uncle say? Sometimes, clouds have two sides, a dark and light, and a silver lining in between. It's like a silver sandwich!" he said enthusiastically.

But he slumped down when he saw the disinterested Sokka, "So ... when life seems hard ...take a bite out of the silver sandwich!" Zuko said.

"What a waste of time. He's talking nonsense!" I said under my breath, making sure no one can hear me.

Then suddenly I saw Sokka's eyes widen when he noticed something. He gets up with his cheerful expression and excitedly looked down to the yard below.

"Maybe we haven't failed after all!" Sokka said happily.

Wait, Zuko's nonsense helped him?? How in the spirit life?? I furrowed my eyebrows.

"That's the spirit! I can't believe that worked. I didn't even know what I was saying." Zuko said happily.

Neither was I. How did even Sokka-

"No, what you said made no sense at all."


"But look ..." As he pointed down the railings, "It's Suki!" he said excitedly.

My eyes widened as I looked over the other side of the railing, spotting the Kyoshi warrior, Suki, sitting in the prison yard in prison garb. She looked up at hearing the continuous ringing of a bell and got up.

A guard tells the prisoners go back to their prison cells.

I smiled, "Maybe a little more girl power won't hurt right?" I whispered under my breath as I run back down to the cells.

By the time I got there, I saw Zuko standing outside Suki's cell, his arms crossed and looking really serious.

When he noticed me, his eyes widened waving me to come over.

I walked towards him and he pinned me to the wall, trapping me. "Why are you still here??" he spat, looking both ways, making sure no one was nearby.

I glared, crossing my arms, "I'm going to bust my friend out of this place and could you please move?" I blushed slightly at the current position.

His body hovered over mine and his arms were at the both sides of my face, his hot breath tickling my neck.

He blushed and let go of me, still frustrated, "Agh, why are you so difficult?" he brought his hands to his face.

I rolled my eyes while I stayed silent and guarded the door with him. Inside, I heard the whispers and smooching noises?

Immediately my heart shattered into broken pieces.

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