60. The Invasion

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Third POV

The trio were running after the Fire Nation Princess when Sokka suddenly stopped realizing something. "Wait! Aang! Toph! Stop attacking! Don't you see what she's doing? She's just playing with us. She's not even trying to win this fight!"

Azula turned their way with a sly smirk, "Not true. I'm giving it my all." she said teasingly.

"You're trying to keep us here and waste all our time!" Toph, as known as the Blind Bandit said angrily.

"Um, right, I think your friend just said that, genius. And since you can't see, I should tell you I'm rolling my eyes." Azula said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes in disgust.

Toph snapped, "I'll roll your whole head!" she threatened angrily.

"She's just baiting you again." Sokka stopped her. The Avatar grew confused, "Okay, so what do we do, just ignore her?"

Sokka nodded, "We don't have a choice. We just have to get out of here and find the Fire Lord on our own with Yozora somehow."

The trio turned to leave, Azula said coolly, "It's a trap." she sing songed. "That stupid water savage must've fallen right into it after seeing she's not here with you yet."

Aang and Toph stop walking and turned to look at the princess, both glaring at the princess.

"Don't call Yozora that!" Toph spat while Aang nodded in agreement.

"Whatever, Don't say I didn't warn you." Azula said. The two 12 year olds turned to Sokka both feeling hesitant. Sokka continued to walk forward as he waved hand up in gesture, "Ignore!"

"So, Sokka's your name, right? My favorite prisoner used to mention you all the time." Sokka stopped walking and casted Azula a suspicious glance.

"She was convinced you were going to come rescue her. Of course you never came, and she gave up on you."

Sokka shed a few tears before charging at Azula in blind rage while the princess stood perfectly still. "Come and get it." Azula said under heart breath and with a quick motion of her left hand, she revealed a hidden dagger, prepared to strike Sokka when he comes within range.

Toph sensed the weapon and pins Azula's hand to the tunnel wall by sending a rock aimed at her wrist. Sokka grabbed her by the shoulder, coming face-to-face with her.

"Where. Is. Suki?!" Sokka demanded.

Azula only smirked devilishly even more. "Oh, you think I was only talking about that one? Oh my, oh my, you forgot about your pretty little princess, didn't you?" she taunted.

"She talked about you all the time but she also gave up on you as well and finally decided to marry my brother." Azula said slyly.

Those words sliced the Southern Tribe boy's heart into two pieces as he listened how his first love gave up on him.

"N-No..." Sokka growled. Azula just smirked and nodded, "Her and Zuko were deeply in love and went on romantic dates together under the shimmering skies. They shared a kiss so deeply in love you could never imagine! Yuck!! Just give it up, loser. You'll never achieve what you really want." she said.

"Oh, sounds like the firebending's back on." Azula said as she kicked her leg in a wide arc, sending a fire blast that nearly strikes Sokka.

But at the same time the ceiling fell from above, revealing Yozora in an earth suit. She bended the rocks down and got into a fire bending stance, "Heard you talking shit 'bout me." she glared at the fire princess.

"Like you've never done it before." Azula growled as they fought. The identical cold blue flames hit each other and vanished away in seconds.

"Guys, Ozai's chamber is all the way at the end of the hall then down a secret stairway on the left. But I advise you to get out of here now!" Yozora said as she dueled the princess.

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