People Watching

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You dress for the day and watch as Aziraphale opens up his book shop. He instructs you to people watch for a while. He believes some visual learning will be good for your first up close and personal encounter with humans. "If you have any questions you can write them down here and I'll answer them at the end of the day. You might want to take breaks from watching them so here is your book from last night. Remember to put your wings away." You nod and make them disappear. He smiles and goes to open the door of the shop. You begin to read while you wait for a human to come in. The bell on the door rings and your head shoots up. You find a young couple looking around before Aziraphale greets them. You watch as they look through the various bookshelves. The woman picks up at book but puts it back. You crinkle your eyebrow and grab the note pad he gave you for questions. "Why did she put down the book? Can she not read?" You watch the man as he starts to get closer to you. The distance was closing between you two and you started to get nervous. "Hello." The man says and you look at him wide eyed. "Hello." You manage to squeak out and Aziraphale notices your distress. He walks over and gently places a hand on your shoulders and it soothes you. The man and woman leave and you breathe a sigh of relief. "Are you scared of them?" "Not of them just afraid they could tell I'm an angel. God said not to reveal my true identity. It could cause problems." "Oh don't worry dear. The humans can't tell what we are unless our wings are out or we do a miracle in front of them."

You continue to watch the people that come in and out of his shop. You fill a page and a half of questions all before lunch. He closes up shop for a little so you two could have lunch. He answers your questions and explains why some people come in but don't buy things. After lunch he reopens the shop and watch the new people. You sense a pattern with the humans as you decide to read. You finish Shakespeares sonnets and return it to Aziraphale. He was on the phone when you found him at his desk. You set it down and he smiles before returning to his conversation. "Yes things are going well." "That's great angel. Can't wait to meet her." Crowley says on the other end. "She's an absolute darling. So willing to learn. I would love to teach more if all my students were like her." "I'm happy for you. I best be on my way got some tempting to do. See you angel." "See you Crowley."

Aziraphale closes up and begins to clean. "Would you like some help?" You ask getting up from the arm chair. "Only if you want." "Of course." You giggle as you grab a broom. Once the shop is tidy you both rest a bit. You let out your wings and you notice Aziraphale staring. "Is there something wrong?" "No your wings are just stunning. Sorry for staring so much." He says as his face reddens. "Thank you. I don't mind you looking at them. It makes me feel pretty." You giggle as blush creeps on your cheeks. "Well you are absolutely gorgeous dear. I wish I could look like you." "But you are already handsome Aziraphale." "I would tell you not to lie but we can't really do that. Thank you for the complement. How about some dinner?" "That sounds lovely." You sigh as you get up and walk to the kitchen. Aziraphale follows behind you taking care not to step on your wings.

He teaches you how to cook a light dinner. "You're a fast learner dear. I might run out of things to teach you before you go back home." "Well if I learn everything, that will give me time to live among the humans and put my knowledge to the test right?" "Yes I guess so." He chuckles as you hand him a plate of food. You both have a quite dinner then head to bed.

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