Tea With an Angel

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Anthony guides you out of the flat and to the car since you're not used to your new depth perception. "I got you my love. Don't worry." He coos as you reach the steps leading to the Bentley. Once in the car you cuddle close to Anthony as he rests his arm on the back of your shoulders. He speeds in and out of traffic. You giggle when the car reaches 90 mph which causes him to smile. Your demon attitude is starting to take hold. He knew it would be a few days till it would show but he's happy it's showing sooner then later. "Will you teach me to drive one day?" "Sure if that's what you want. You can have or do whatever you want my star. You aren't bound by rules anymore." "That's really exciting." "Well that's what freedom is, exciting." You nod as he stops in front of the little bookshop.

The bell rings when you and Anthony enter and find it empty. "Welcome. I'll be with you in a moment." The angel says from somewhere in the shop. "Aziraphale." You call out in a sing song voice. "(Y/N)?" He asks as he peeks his head out from the back room. "My goodness dear. I'm so happy you're ok. I was worried sick when I didn't hear anything from Crowley after he was summoned." He hugs you tight and kisses your cheek. "So she forgave you and let you back here to finish your lessons right?" "Not exactly Angel." You sigh as you remove your sunglasses. He gasps as he looks at your new eyes and hands. "You sit down and tell me what happened darling." "But your shop is open what if someone comes in?" "Crowley could you put the closed sign up and lock the door?" "Of course angel." With a snap Anthony closed up the bookshop for the day. "Can I get you two anything? Wine? Cake?" "Could I have some of your tea Aziraphale? I miss your blend of tea." "Merlot if you got it." "I believe I do actually." The angel hums as he heads to his kitchen.

Anthony plops down next to you on the small couch Aziraphale gestured for you to sit on. "Was his gasp when he saw me good or bad? Did I scare him?" "You scare him? He's a principality my love, he's not scared of anything. Trust me I've tried." He chuckles as the angel comes back into the room. He hands you a tea cup and Anthony one of the two filled wine glasses. "Alright (Y/N) tell me everything." He hums as he brings the glass to his lips. You tell him your meeting with God, how she changed you, your fall, the testing of your feathers and meeting Lucifer. "Was he still big, red and have horns?" "Yes but once we started talking he changed into what he used to look like. Do you remember him at all before he fell?" "Not personally. You?" "I saw him maybe once or twice because of Anthony." "Scoundrels attract other scoundrels I guess." He chuckles causing you to giggle. "Hey I didn't mean to fall. I just hung around the wrong people." Anthony grumbles before taking a sip from his glass. "Well I'm glad you two finally got to be together after all this time." "We are happy too but you probably shouldn't be around us too much angel. I said some pretty nasty things to the Almighty during our little chat. I'm sure she's still pissed, don't want you getting into trouble because of me." "Nonsense darling, You two are my friends. And after what she has done to you, we are on our own side now." He says as he caresses your cheek and you lean onto his hand. "Thank you angel." "Not a problem. More tea?" "I'll actually take that wine now. If you don't mind." "I'll take some more as well angel." Anthony hums as he smiles at Aziraphale. He nods and heads back to the kitchen taking your tea cup.

You all finish 2 bottles of wine and talk well into the night. The men told you all about their adventures through out the 6000 years they've known each other. "Oh Crowley do you remember that convent we went to, it's a paintball place now?" "Yes angel I remember I made the players guns real. That was fun. What about it?" "We should go there and play a round or two. It will be fun. Then the Ritz for dinner." "What's the Ritz?" You ask as Aziraphale's eyes widen. "You haven't taken her The Ritz yet? What kind of husband are you Crowley?" He teases as Anthony sighs. "It must have slipped my mind angel. That place was far from my mind when I finally got her back." The angel just rolls his eyes and smiles. "The Ritz my dear is an exquisite restaurant Crowley and I go to on occasion. I'm sure he will take you there soon." "How about tomorrow?" You ask looking over to Anthony who rests his head on the back of the couch. "If that's what you want my star but we need to get you a new dress for the occasion." "You're coming with us right Aziraphale?" "Oh probably not dear. You two should enjoy it alone. Make a date out of it." You nod and rest your head on Anthony's shoulder. "Getting tried my love?" "Yeah a little." You yawn causing the men to yawn too. "Well let's get you back home. Goodnight angel thanks for the wonderful night." "Don't mention it Crowley. Goodnight darling sleep well. Goodnight dear friend." He hums as he shows you out of the bookshop.

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