Demon Training

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"Alright first things first you got to look the part. Like the angels we usually stick to a dark color scheme." "Can I still wear dresses?" "Of course my star. Now go ahead and pick out what you like." Anthony hums as you walk into a clothing shop. After some browsing you find a beautiful black sundress with a slit up the side. You quickly try it on and walk out to show him. "So what do you think?" You coo as you sway from side to side. "Am I tempting enough?" "Oh darling in that dress I'd do anything you say. You want my soul? Here take it it's all yours." He teases as he looks you up and down. "You don't have a soul silly serpent." "Well if I did I would give it to you just to be able to look at you in this dress." He hisses as his hands rest on your hips. Since you're now a demon you can show some skin. You enjoyed being able to show off your body with out the worry of the vanity sin. Anthony loves it too, he sometimes can't keep his hands off of you. You purchase some new demon clothes and head back home.

After new clothes were put away you found Anthony tending to his plants. "Ah there you are. Lesson 2 in your demon training is that we are not nice. So no more sweet words to the plants." He chuckles as you hug him from behind. "Sweet words huh? Like how all of these plants are beautiful and they are going a marvelous job at growing!" You playfully shout so they can hear you. "Woman stop! You're going to spoil them." He groans as he sprays you with the mister. You whine and cringe at the wet sensation. "Bad demons get misted good ones get kisses." "Is there such a thing as a good demon?" He just shrugs as you both walk into the living room. Once he was in the couch you laid down with your head in his lap. "Try to say something mean about something someone anything." "Ummm I don't know." "Just try my star." He says as his fingers run through your hair. "Oh there was a guy I met when I arrived in Hell. He had a frog on his head." "Oh you met Haster?" "Yeah he took me to go see Lucifer, well pushed me to see him." "He touched you?" Anthony hisses as his jaw clenches. You nod as you look up at him confused. "I'm going to kill him again and this time for good. But we are getting off track. Say something mean about him." "He had an odd smell. And the frog creeped me out." "It sure is creepy huh. That was good darling but we got to keep practicing." "Can you say something mean about our angel or me?" "Angel yes. You never." He coos as he cups your cheek. "Well tell me what you say about Aziraphale." You giggle. "Oh there was one time we were arguing and I said for someone so clever how can you be so stupid. He was visibly shocked but quickly forgave me." "Oh geez that is mean." "It's what we do my love. In the job description right next to unforgivable." "I see." "Well only partially. You are blind in one eye." He teases covering your good eye with his hand. "You're a bastard. I thought you said you could never say anything mean about me." You huff as you cross your arms. "That wasn't mean it's just a fact. You are indeed blind in one eye. But hey I got you to call me a bastard and that's pretty mean. Lesson 2 complete." He praises as he removes his hand for you to see again.

He notices the sad expression on your face as you look away from him. "My star? Are you ok?" You sit up and face away from him so he doesn't see you cry. You bury your face in your knees when you feel his hand on your back. "Is it because of what I said? I'm sorry (Y/N) I didn't know you were sensitive about it. Please forgive me." "Why do you still love me? I'm a monster now." You whimper as you look down at your hands. He pulls you into his lap and turns your head to get you to look at him. "My Star you're not a monster. I've loved you for thousands of years. Even when we were apart. Nothing will change that. Not even the Almighty, she tried and failed remember?" You nod as he takes your hands in his. "I love your hands. It looks like you have those acrylic nails people get done. Very sexy and good for back scratches." He coos as he kisses the back and palms of your hands. "Do you need me to continue or are you feeling better?" "I feel better thank you Anthony." You sigh as you hug him tight. "Not a problem baby. How about we go pay our angel a visit. He's always good company." "I could use a cup of his tea." "Well then let's go." He hums as he puts on his sunglasses and you follow.

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