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Anthony races in and out of traffic trying to get you back to Aziraphale so he won't discorporate him. "Darling please slow down. I'm sure he will understand." You say as you hold on to the car for dear life. "He's a fucking principality my dear. He will not understand and will go feral. I didn't answer his calls so he's probably going to kill me." He says as the car screeches to a halt in front of the bookshop. He helps you out and gently pulls you into the shop. "Angel I'm here, she's here everything is fine. Please don't discorporate me." He calls into a seemingly empty bookshop. "Aziraphale?" You call out as you begin to look around. "My my look at what we have here? The star maker and the demon Crowley." You hear a voice chuckle as they emerge from the back room. "Gabriel!" You gasp as your hands cover your mouth. "Hello dear. It has come to our attention that some fraternizing has been going on here. The Almighty would like a word with you. Now be a good angel and come along." "She's not going with you." Anthony growls as he stands in front of you. "You really think you can stop this demon? Let's see what your friend thinks." He says as he pulls a gaged and bound Aziraphale into the open. Worry spreads across your face as he looks at you and Anthony with pleading eyes. "Let him go Gabriel. I'll go just don't hurt them." You say stepping in front of Anthony. "No my star I can't lose you again." He whimpers as he catches your wrist. "I have to go darling. I'm sure everything will be fine. I'm her favorite star maker." You whisper as he pulls you closer to him. "I hope you know what you're doing. I love you." "I love you." You sigh as you kiss him for the last time. "Ah gross!" Gabriel spits as he pulls you away from Anthony. "You may go back to your work Aziraphale." He says as he snaps his fingers to free him. "I'm so sorry dear." Aziraphale sighs as you caress his face. "It's ok. They were going to find out eventually. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher. I will cherish your lessons forever." You coo before kissing him on the cheek. "Alright that's enough. Don't want to keep her waiting." Gabriel huffs pulling you closer to him. A tear rolls down your cheek as you look at the men for the last time. In an instant you're surrounded by a bright light that causes Anthony to shield his face.

You find yourself in front of the doors of the Almighty's throne room. Gabriel ushers you in and pushes you to the ground before God. "The star maker my lord." "Thank you Gabriel. You are dismissed." She says calmly as she sits up in her chair. He nods and takes his leave. "My darling star maker tell me what happened down there." "I'm not sure what you're talking about my lord." You say innocently as you look up at her. "You know exactly what I'm talking about (Y/N). Fraternizing with the demon Crowley. Out in public with him, kissing him, even being intimate with the demon. My child what were you thinking?" "Your grace he is my husband. Remember when you had us fall in love and become husband and wife? We were your test subjects to see if you wanted that for your humans." "Of course I remember star maker. But he is now fallen and no longer your husband." "Then why do I still feel love for him? Why does he still love me?" "Oh darling did he say he still loves you?" You nod and she sighs. "Demons are good liars. He was only tempting you." "No! There is no way that was a lie." You shout as your hands ball into fists. "Is this anger my angel? Where did you learn that?" "I don't know." You sigh as you look at the ground. "I will forgive you and you will return to your star maker position if you renounce this demon. Say you don't love him." "But that would be a lie." "Say you don't love him (Y/N)." "But I do. I do love him. I love him with every fiber of my being and if that means I fall then so be it. I will not lose him again." "So be it. You will soon learn the error of your ways. But know this my beautiful child Hell is not forgiving." "Nether is heaven. I learned about what you have done. All the horrible things you do in the name of peace and righteousness. Your ineffable game!" You scream as you look into her eyes. "Silence! You will not disrespect me! It's a pity I have to destroy one of my most beautiful creations." "It's not like it's the first time." You lowly giggle which causes her to grip you by the throat. "I've had enough of your mouth." Your feathers fall out and are replaced with black ones. Your once golden fingertips are stained black as your fingernails grow into matching claws. "Now, so you will always remember your last creation." She hums as she fills your left eye with a sea of comic colors, the last nebula you made, and blinds it. The white part of your right eye is now completely engulfed in black. "I will show mercy and allow you to keep your vision in this eye my fallen darling." She coos before releasing you from her grip. "Now go to your new master demon." Her last words dripping with venom as you begin to free fall.

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