Through Out the Ages

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The shriek of the alarm clock cause you and Anthony to grumble. "Damn it to heaven." He huffs as he tries to sit up in bed. You two are tangled in each others limbs it takes a minute to figure out who's arms and legs are who's. "Time to get up my star." He hums as he runs his fingers through your hair. "Noooo, more sleep." You whine as you pull the blanket over your head. "Oh dear looks like I have to do some tempting to get you out of bed. Care to share a shower?" You pull the blanket down and narrow your eyes at him. "I'm a demon now Anthony. Your temptations won't work on me." "Never hurts to try. Guess I'll shower all alone. By myself. Wishing my wife was with me but she's too stubborn. Oh whoa is me." He whines as he slowly saunters off to the bathroom. "You're such a drama queen." You sigh as you fling the blanket off and follow him. "Yes but temptation accomplished. Now let's get ready I have the whole day planned out for us." "Why? More demon lessons?" "Some lessons but you said you wanted to go to the Ritz tonight. I want to take you to a few places before dinner."

Once showered you miracle yourself some makeup you found attractive on a human the other day at the park. A dark red lip and matching Smokey eye. "How does it look?" You ask as Anthony dries his hair with a towel. "Very sexy. Do you like it?" "Yes I saw it on a girl the other day. Now I'm fallen I can wear makeup and jewelry even get a tattoo." You giggle causing him to smile. "Being damned isn't that bad once you get used to it. I'm glad you're adjusting well darling." You get dressed in a black maxi skirt, red off the shoulder blouse and sandals since it was a warm day. Anthony puts on his signature jacket and checks his hair before turning to you. "Absolutely sinful my star." He hisses as his hands rest on your hips. "Temptation accomplished?" "I would say so." He coos as he kisses your exposed shoulders moving up to your neck. "Silly serpent." "That's what I am. Are you ready my love?" "Yep." You say as you put your sunglasses on and hold out your hands for him to take and guide you with.

You buy a new dress, jewelry and heels for tonight. Anthony teaches you how to annoy the humans because that's what good demons do. "Here take this coin and glue and attach it to the pavement over there." "Why?" " It will be funny." You take the items and do as your told. "And now we wait." He chuckles as he slides you closer to him. You sit in the Bentley and watch the coin for what seems like hours. "What exactly is supposed to happen?" "Hush and just watch. Oh here comes one now." You watch a human try to pick up the coin. He struggles till he gives up with a fuck under his breath. Anthony just laughs as he holds his sides. You started laughing only because of Anthony not the stupid coin trick. Time goes on and a few more humans try. "Ah that was fun. We have a few more hours till our dinner reservations what do you want to do (Y/N)?" "Can you show me what you looked like over the ages?"  "Sure I can do that but probably best to head home for that." He says as he turns on the car. You nod and rest your head on his shoulder.

Once home you hang up your dress then sit on the bed. You let out your wings and get comfortable. "Alright Anthony J Crowley through out the ages." He says as he rubs his hands together. "Garden of Eden." He changes to his snake form then slowly turns into a man. "Oh not much different from when you were with me last. I do miss your long hair." "Noted. This was when I first met Aziraphale. Now for the flood look my wings are just put away." You nod as he changes. "This was the crucifixion." "Oh you were there for it? That's so sad, what she did to her own son." "Very sad." "Did you meet him?" "Yeah I showed him all the kingdoms of the world." He sighs and you can tell he's upset. You don't say anything but quickly embrace him. His arms wrap around you as he buries his head in your neck. "Why did she do that? Her own son?" He whimpers as you hold him tighter. "I don't know my love. I don't know." After a few moments he straightens and wipes his cheeks with the palm of his hand. "Sorry darling don't know why I got so emotional." "Anthony it's ok." You hum as you cup his cheek in your hand. "Alright now Rome." He sighs as he changes. "Oh is this the first time you used the glasses?" "Yep more humans asking about the snake eyes so it was best to cover them." You nod and sit back down on the bed. Next he changes into his knight attire. "Oooo my knight in shining armor." You giggle which causes him to redden. "This is what I looked like when Shakespeare was making plays and stuff. Aziraphale and I saw Hamlet when it first premiered." "Oh yeah I remember him telling me that." "I never liked the gloomy ones. The funny plays are better." You nod and lay down on your stomach propping your head up with your hands. He continues to show you his different looks, Paris, the 1800's. "Oh this is my favorite look." He hums as he changes to his 1940's suit and hat. "I had to go into a church to save Aziraphale. My feet burned like being on a hot beach but I looked sexy doing it. Do you agree?" "Absolutely." You breathe as you slowly get up and walk towards him. You grab him by the necktie and crash your lips against his. He smirks against your mouth as his hands fist your hair. "Now now my star there will be plenty of time for that after dinner." He coos in your ear as you separate. "Speaking if dinner you should get ready." "But what about your other looks?" "Oh this is the 70's and this is my current get up. Now go on darling I'll be watering the plants so call when you're ready." He says as he kisses your temple and leaves the room.

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