Chapter1: I Don't Even Know Him

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It was a typical day for Priya, everything was doing fine and she was perfectly happy with how her day was going. Until, she suddenly heard a loud group of guys walking down the sidewalk. The old lady who was at her stand became intimidated by the noisy group of rambunctious boys and left. Jack was leading them. Priya had never seen him around before, and she was soon to find out who he was.

When she saw the old lady leave, she felt furious as to how these guys could just act like they were everything and disturb people around them so easily. The group was wearing Lan Vans, leather jackets, and anything that could have been designed by Louis Vuitton or Vendi. But Priya couldn’t care less about what they were wearing, she was aggravated. Being the headstrong girl she was, she ripped off her apron and ear buds and strutted right up to them and coolly said,

“Do you guys realize how loud you are?  I own the corn stall right over there and you totally just scared off a little old lady. Don’t you have any guilt?”

Jack emerged from the middle of the group like a boss.

“Oooh~ pretty girl’s got some ‘tude.” Jack mocked as his friends laughed.

“Excuse me? ‘tude? The person with any ‘tude her is you.” She replied abruptly

“What did you just say? Take it back. Do you know who I am?” He said with disbelief.

Priya looked at him in even more disbelief. This guy was way too cocky for his own good.

“No, I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care. What makes you think you’re any greater than me? You have hands, feet, and hair just like I do. But I’m not quite sure if you have a heart or a brain. Would you like to oblige?” Priya said with pride.

Jack’s crew ooooh’d at the witty remark. One of the guys whispered something to Jack, he simply nodded and the crew left the scene and went ahead.

“I don’t have a brain?” he said and took a few steps closer

Priya stepped back towards the street lamp behind her.

“I don’t have a heart?” he said and took a few steps closer.

Priya stepped even more steps backwards and without realizing it her back was already against the street lamp.

“Are you sure?” he said quickly rushing up to her. Soon enough he had one hand in his pocket and the other leaning him onto the lamp post behind her.

Their faces were inches apart. Priya’s heart was about to explode. She was sure as hell her face was beat red and she definitely couldn’t hear anything other than the loud thumping of her heart banging against her eardrums. She took a moment to stare into his eyes. They were such a mesmerizing shade of brown;  however her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when there was a vibrating noise. Jack stepped back calmly and reached into his pocket to reveal his shiny phone. He tapped the answer key and put the phone to his ear.

“Yeah babe, I’ll be right there. Don’t worry, I just ran into some traffic along the way.” He said nonchalantly.

The redness from Priya’s face had disappeared and her heart had stopped racing. Traffic? Is that all I am right now? Traffic? And babe?? He has a girlfriend and he’s doing this?! I can’t believe this nonsense. Jack turned around and quickly said,

“I’m Jack by the way. See you around.” He gave her his signature wink and walked away.

Priya was furious once again. She looked at him in disbelief, he just walked away after what he just did! She had never been so close to a guy before! She quickly ran to her corn stand and grabbed  a pen and paper. She quickly scribbled something down and taped it to one of the raw corns. She rushed back to the sidewalk and still saw Jack walking. He was only about a yard away. She put her arm muscles into action and threw the corn directly at his head and ran away frantically. She heard a loud OW!! And smiled to herself as she made her way back to her corn shack and strapped her apron back on. 

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