Chapter14: Today's Your Day

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*Author’s POV*

In about ten minutes, the maids had finally finished pampering Priya. She was still confused; she had no clue what was going on or what they had done to her.

“And…we’re done.” One of the maids said as she put the finishing touches into Priya’s hair.

She was lost, she had no idea what the maids had accomplished, just yet. All she knew is that they changed her clothing for her and they did so in a flash. These maids were no joke; they were certainly experts at what they were doing.

“Would you like to see yourself?” another maid softly said, with kind eyes.

“Sure?” Priya said, uncertain. She wasn’t sure what to expect to see when she looked into the mirror.

Two of the maids swiftly carried a large mirror in front of her and let it stand. They smiled at her sudden reaction to her appearance. She was shocked as to what she saw. Her tangled hair had become silky and soft, her short black dress had disappeared and was replaced by a blue, lace dress. The dress was knee length and sleeveless; the top of the dress hugged her curves before it flared out at the bottom. It was matched with a cute, white cardigan. It flattered her figure perfectly. Her tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes were gone and replaced with clear, porcelain skin. The makeup looked natural, but it was certainly effective.  Her eyelashes were substantially longer and her eyes were mesmerizing. Her cheeks also had a slightly peachy colour while her lips remained pink and glossy. She looked flawless; unlike the hot mess she was less than an hour ago.

She gasped, “Thank you so much!” Priya chimed, hugging one of the maids by reflex. She was taken aback by the sudden friendly gesture, but hugged back soon enough.

“We shall lead you.” One of the maids formally spoke, as some of them began to lead her out of the bedroom as the others cleaned up.

“Wha? Where?” she asked confused as she followed closely behind.

As they exited the room, Priya was stunned by the luxurious balcony leading to the foyer of the house. There was a shimmering, glamorous chandelier hanging above the main entrance and shining marble tile floors. Everything there was so clean; she could even see her reflection in the laminated wood railings. Her eyes glimmered as she marveled at the scene.

They made their way down the grand staircase and towards the large, beautifully carved, wooden double doors.

“The master is outside, he has instructed us to escort you up to this point. He is waiting outside of these doors. Please meet him there.” One of the maids said before they all dispersed into different directions, leaving Priya to herself.

The doors were about three times taller than her, she was intimidated by it. It looked so expensive, she was afraid to lay a finger on it. However following the maids’ orders, she carefully pushed the large doors open. Her vision was greeted by a bright sun and a variety of brightly coloured flowers that were placed in lavish white flower pots. She looked around and spotted a red convertible driving towards her direction. The car stopped right in front of her and the driver took off his sunglasses, revealing familiar dark brown eyes that were shadowed by his signature bleach blonde hair.

“Wow, you look… great.” Jeremy said with disbelief.

“Thanks.” Priya said, shyly looking away, blushing.

He got out of the car and went around to open the door for her, like a gentleman.

“My lady.” He said, trying to imitate a British accent, as he over-dramatically ushered her into the car.

“Why, thank you.” She said, following up on his mockery British accent.

They both giggled at themselves as Jeremy made his way back around to the driver’s seat.

“So, where do you wanna go?” Priya asked.

“Hmm…definitely a different theatre this time. I heard they opened up a new one just recently, wanna check it out?” he suggested.

“Sounds good to me.” She agreed, smiling.

The drive was a bit lengthy, but they made the most of it. They jammed out to the radio, singing loudly and allowing many people to hear, since the roof was down but only up until they reached the highway. However both of them had wonderful singing voices, so they sounded more like professional performance rather than a freestyle jam session. They sang wildly for almost half the ride while the rest of it was used to talk about the movie choice.

“Okay, so we’ll watch a horror movie this time?” Priya asked.

“Yup, works with me.” He agreed, as both of them got out of the car and made their way to the entrance of the theatre.

“Whoa, this place is huge.” She said as she marveled at the massive structure.

“Really? I think it’s the same size as any other major theatre.”

“Oh well.”

They walked through the glass doors and scanned all the selections of available movies.

“I guess The Possession is the only scary movie that’s out right now.” Jeremy supposed, “Looks pretty scary make sure you don’t pee yourself. It would be a shame to ruin such a pretty dress.” He jokingly teased.

“Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.” She replied sarcastically as she playfully nudged his arm.

They walked into the ticket line,

“Two tickets for The Possession please.” Priya requested to the cashier.

“That’ll be $28.34.” the cashier said.

Priya began to dig through her pockets for some cash, until Jeremy lightly grabbed her arm to stop her. He casually handed the woman a fifty dollar bill and took the movie tickets.

“Keep the change.” He coolly said before guiding Priya away, with his arm around her shoulders.

“What was that for?” she asked, looking up at him.

“Today’s your day.” He said, charmingly smiling down at her, “You can thank me another time.”

She blushed, she felt blessed to have a great friend like Jeremy with her. The two of them made a stop at the snack concession stand to buy some popcorn. After getting their snacks, they made their way towards the screening areas, and handed the usher their tickets,

“Theatre 9.” The tall man in uniform said.                    

They scanned the long aisle for ‘Theatre 9’; they soon found it, near the end of the hall. Both of them were a bit shaky, walking into the theatre apprehensively. From the trailers they’ve seen for this movie, it looked really freaky. Luckily, they made it on time; it had just started since the massive screen was still showing the Paramount Pictures logo.

They found their spots, to the side of the theatre where there were only two seats per row so that neither of them would have to sit beside a stranger. The movie began with a woman screeching in a highly pitched voice whilst she was having a body spasm. She was sprawled over the floor, shaking uncontrollably with her eyes rolled back and her mouth open abnormally large. As the woman moved sporadically, you could hear her bones cracking, constantly. Both Priya and Jeremy were terrified already.

Throughout the movie, they grasped each other tightly. Jeremy wanted to keep his cool, since he was supposed to be the dependable male, but in reality, he was just as terrified as she was. During the scary parts, she buried her face in his strong chest while he hugged her figure even tighter. They were both comforted by each other’s embrace during the horrific film. And secretly, they enjoyed holding each other so close.

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