Chapter7: They Should Date

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Backed up toilet?  Priya began to think. She felt as though she had heard that before until it suddenly hit her. Jack said she sounded like a backed up toilet yesterday! This must’ve have been Jack who was texting her and Jeremy must’ve been the one who gave him her number. Thinking about Jack brought back the fluttering. And more, he was her crush and her crush was texting her at the moment.

Priya: Jack?!

Jack: Wow, you’re not as retarded as I thought you were.

Priya: Why are you texting me in the first place? :P

Jack: Because. You’re interesting:)

Priya: What makes me interesting?

Jack: Your reaction to our KISS

Priya immediately became flustered and tingly the moment she saw the word kiss, probably just as Jack had planned. She decided it was best for her not to reply, she felt as though her heart was about to pop out of her chest.

*Jack’s POV*

She didn’t reply, I thought so. She’s probably blushing like hell right now, just like I planned. As I was about to put away my phone, I received another text from Jeremy:

Jeremy: Whats up?

Jack: Just finished texting Priya

Jeremy: you actually used her number?

Jack: yeah, surprised?

Jeremy: pretty much, you’ve never shown so much interest in a girl before

Jack: what makes you think that?

Jeremy: you lose contact with most girls after a week. You like her don’t you?

*Jeremy’s POV*

I didn’t get a reply from him afterwards. It’s pretty obvious that Priya wasn’t like all the other girls to him. I knew what he was thinking, better than anyone else in this world. After hanging with Priya today, I realized that she was actually pretty cool and that she might just be the one to get Jack to calm the fuck down. But I need to know if Priya likes him back…only then I can get them to somehow start dating.  So I decided to call her and somehow bring up the topic of Jack.

I punched in her name under my contacts.

Ring Ring Ring

 “Hello?” I heard her say wearily into the phone. She must have still been fazed by Jack’s texts.

“Hey, it’s Jeremy.” I said

“Oh, how’s a going?”

“Good, so I heard Jack texted you?” 

“Ye-yeah.” She replied sounding embarrassed, it was pretty obvious that Jack wasn’t just anyone to her.

“Haha, I just wanted to let you know that I was the one who gave him your number. I was just making sure you were okay with it. If you’re not, I could delete it.”

“N-no!” she urgently replied “I-I mean, I’m okay with it.”

“Okay, that’s great. To be honest, he was practically begging me to give it to him.” I said, exaggerating what Jack had really did; which was only nag me for it because he was bored and wanted to freak her out through text.

“Really?!” Priya exclaimed, making it a bit too obvious that she was happy he begged for her digits; the nervousness in her voice replaced with rejoice.

“Yeah, it’s true.” I lied “Oh and by the way I had a lot of fun today.”

“Me too, it was nice to get out once in a while.” She said genuinely.

“We should do it again sometime. How about this Saturday in front of the mall’s theatre? 2:00?”  I suggested.

“Sure, sounds like a plan.”

“Great, well I gotta go, see you then.” I said right before hanging up without giving her a chance to say anything else.

I quickly dialed Jack’s number.

“Hello?” I heard him say sleepily.

“Why are you sleeping so early? It’s only 11:00” I said, genuinely surprised.

“I was watching a boring chick flick that was on. What would you expect me to do?”

“They’re not that boring, but whatever. I have nothing to do this Saturday, wanna go to the mall and watch that new action movie?”

“Uh…sure I guess. What time?”

“2:00, in front of the theatre, got it?”

“Kay, see you then.” And he hung up without another word.

Everything’s working out, playing cupid is so easy.

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