Chapter18: The Hospital

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*Jack’s POV*

During the ride to the hospital, things were really awkward. I could tell that Jeremy was still irritated with me, he had a look of displeasure on his face as he drove. I knew that I didn’t deserve Priya’s attention right now, in this case, I would be mad at me too if I were him. She kept asking me questions like, “Are you alright?” or “How do you feel?” Honestly, I didn’t want to look her in the eye. I had mixed feelings about seeing her again, I was overjoyed that she didn’t hold a grudge against me for what I did to her; probably because she was only worried about my arm. But I also felt guilty for accepting her help after breaking her heart carelessly.

It hurt me to think that only 48 hours ago, we were a perfectly happy couple until I went on and did that to her. I glimpsed at her, she was staring out the window. She had finally gotten the clue that my arm wasn’t in very much pain if I didn’t move it after I had to tell her that multiple times. My glimpse turned into a gaze as I was mesmerized at how beautiful she looked at the moment, the dress she wore flattered her figure, not only that, it showed off her amazing legs. Looking out the window, the reflection of the passing cars and scenery appeared in her bright eyes. I recognized that she was dressed this way for her date, with Jeremy before I interrupted it. She looked gorgeous, and I realized that I wasn’t the only one she could look this good for. Jealousy took over, knowing this, I realized that I needed to take a chance with her. I no longer cared about getting hurt or any other poor excuse, because I couldn’t let this one get away. I needed to fix my mistake. I needed to show her that I would love her endlessly if she could forgive me.

*Author’s POV*

They arrived at the hospital’s ER entrance, and Priya rushed out of her seat to Jack’s side. He had already gotten his seatbelt off on his own, but she insisted on helping out of the car,

“Let me help you.” She offered.

“Don’t worry about it, I’m not seriously injured, it’s probably only a little sprain. I can handle myself.” He re-assured her.

“Are you sure?” she asked, “Fine…just let me know if you need anything.” she said as she backed away.

He smiled warmly at her, making her heart melt, bringing back the feelings that she had before what happened at the night club.

“Jeremy, aren’t you coming?” she called for him, he was still planted in the driver’s seat.

“You guys can go ahead by yourselves.” He plainly said, not bothering to look behind.

“No, you’re coming.” She demanded, as she began walking towards his seat, “You have a huge cut on your lip too, it could get infected or something.” She said, tugging his arm out of the car.

“Ugh…fine.” He replied, rolling his eyes, unwillingly following her out.

They made their way in, Priya leading. They walked into the waiting room, there were quite a few people waiting to be treated,

“How long do you think we’ll need to wait?” she questioned, scanning the amount of people who were waiting on the seats.

“Not long,” Jeremy coolly answered, walking ahead of her towards the reception desk, “The two of us need to be treated for minor injuries, right now.” He said to the woman in the nurse’s uniform.

“I’m sorry sir, what’s your name?” she began, “We have other people waiting.”

“I’m Jeremy Croz. I own this hospital.”

A look of shock and panic appeared on the woman’s face, along with Priya. Jack’s expression didn’t change a bit.

“Y-yes, sir.” She scrambled to clean up some papers off her desk, “You can make your way Area 120, your personal nurses will be there to assist you.” She said, gesturing her hand to the doors on her left.

“Thank you.” He said formally, leading Priya and Jack towards the doors.

Through the doors, they were greeted by a few busy nurses going back and forth, however when they met Jeremy’s eyes, they immediately stopped what they were doing and greeted him with a bow. Priya was at a loss for words, she knew that he was wealthy, but she never knew that he owned an entire hospital.

“Excuse me, you’re one of the doctors here, am I right?” he asked one of the nurses.

“Ye-yes. I am.” She nervously stuttered.

“Do you mind treating this guy’s arm right here?” he roughly pulled Jack towards the nurse.

“Um…yes, no p-problem.” She responded, “I’ll get each of you a room. Mr. Croz, you seem to need some treatment to your lower lip as well.” She observed.

“Yes, that will be perfect.”

The woman led them through the halls of the hospital, she stopped at one of the doors. It stood out from the rest, it was the only door that had double doors and was coloured bright red. When they walked through, they were greeted by four hospital beds; two on each side of the room. Each of the beds had a plastic, blue curtain going around them. The room was well lit by the sunlight, shining in through the large windows. The entire room had the faint smell of roses and antiseptic. There was already another nurse in the room, who was filling out some paperwork on a clipboard. She turned her attention to them once they entered the room,

“I will get my assistant, Cherrie to help you, Mr. Croz.” She said to Jeremy, “Cherrie, I’d like you to stitch up the wound on his lower mouth.” She ushered the blonde woman over.

“Yes, no problem.” She replied, putting down her clipboard and rushing over to them. She began to lead Jeremy away behind one of the curtains.

“Now as for you,” she began, looking at Jack, “I’ll be treating you, if that’s okay.”

“No problem, take care of me.” He caringly replied.

She smiled,“Miss, there is a place for you to sit over there to wait.” She suggested, pointing to a row of chairs to the side of the room. “I’ll let you know when I’m done, okay?”

“Okay, sure.” She answered, making her way towards the seats.

The doctor and Jack went behind one of the curtains on the opposite side of the one Jack had entered. Priya patiently waited, her mind was at ease, at least she knew that the doctor would take good care of his injury. During the time she waited, nothing about how Jack had been with another girl had even crossed her mind. Somehow, she didn’t even remember her broken heart. Things were better that way anyway. After about ten minutes, Jack’s doctor emerged from the curtains. She walked closer towards Priya,

“I put a splint on his sprained arm, he should be fine within two weeks or so. I’m actually scheduled for my blood extraction shift right now.” She said, looking at her watch, “He has some minor scratches and bruises here and there. Do you mind helping him patch them up? I believe that he will have trouble doing so with a splint on.”

“Oh…Okay, no problem.” Priya replied, trying not to sound anxious. But in all honesty, she was nervous to be around Jack again, earlier she hadn’t felt anything; her mind was far too pre-occupied thinking about his injured arm. However now, she knew that she would need to come in physical contact with him in order to get the bandages on.

“Great, I left a tray of Band-Aids in there.” The doctor said, taking off, out of the room.

Priya took a deep breath, she attempted a strong front and ‘confidently’ marched through the curtains. The first thing she saw as she walked in was Jack…shirtless.

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