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Yeeting my way down town
Walking fast

Sees someone I know

Walking even faster

Hope yall enjoy 😉
Chapter Text
It wasn't like Marvin felt good about running out of the bathroom after having sex with the gorgeous stranger, but he didn't feel horrendously bad about it, (The man seemed like an asshole to him). Marvin had begun to spiral into a mess of sexuality questioning, he had never had sex with a man before and was honestly not sure how he had ended in this position.

So he just ran of the bathroom leaving the 'pretty boy' alone after feeling sick and guilty and most of all, scared. Marvin just didn't understand what was happening to him, he had never in his life wanted to fuck a guy, but the moment just... happened, and now he was confused.

Insanely confused.

He stormed out of the bar, heading to his car in a fit of passion, not concentrated on anyone or anything other than trying to get out as fast as possible. And that was when it hit him, he had just fucked a guy...

And he enjoyed it. Marvin had enjoyed it.


He finally managed to get to his car and reached out for the door handle before he keeled over and threw up , just missing the shiny paint. He struggled back up to a standing position, and wiped the rancid liquid from the side of his mouth before he sank back down to the floor. His head pounded in a continuous manner, and the emotional exhaustion hit him. He curled up into a ball, his back against his car and his head thrown to the sky, taking in the darkness.

Marvin wasn't used to the dark, he had lived in a city all his life and during the night, streetlights bathed most streets, this meant that he never saw stars either, so small and fierce burning brightly and aggressively.


He uttered the word in a continuous manner, over and aver again, rocking back and forth. It felt like hours later when he finally felt strong enough to make his way back up to a standing position and let his breathing return to normal. He slowly sunk into his car and suddenly his body turned on auto pilot, without his thoughts, he pulled the car out of the car park and drove.

Just drove.

He didn't know where to, his mind and body were numb, it felt as though he was witnessing someone else, he couldn't feel anything anymore. He drove for miles until he found light again.

Another bar.

He pulled into its car park and parked his car, still feeling numb and cold inside, and then he entered the bar and again, for the second time that night, took a seat at the bar, ordering a much stronger drink than earlier.

"Bad day" the girl next to him asked. Marvin eyed her up and down, she was moderately good looking,
" you wouldn't believe it."

And again, for the second time that night, Marvin found himself in a toilet stall, balls deep in a stranger. He thrust into her aggressively, pulling her hair back. In turn she was screaming at an intolerable pitch.

"Shut the fuck up" he said as he cupped his Hand over her mouth. This went on for a few minutes before she came with a high pitched moan and pulled his hand off of her mouth and pulled off his dick,

"That was fun" She exclaimed, before pulling a pen out of her hair and scribbling her number onto his wrist,
"Call me if you're having another bad day"

And with that she waltzed out of the bathroom, leaving Marvin hard and shitfaced

and wondering what the authors obsession with bathroom sex was about

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