...I murdered someone last night

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I made my 9y/o sister watch falsettos with me.

She cried, I cried.

I had to teach her what AIDS was after she thought it was about the coronavirus.

Awkward convo, didn't really explain why it was mainly contracted by gay men, but hey ho.

This chapter isn't great but whatevs

Whizzer talked at Marvin up the two flights of stairs in excitement as they reached the stands overlooking the large hall.

"... I'm just looking forward to my timetable and..."
Whizzer seemed to be vibrating from excitement.

"Uh huh" a very distracted Marvin replied.

"... I murdered someone last night."

"Cool cool cool"

Whizzer poked Marvin in the arm as they sat down,

"What's up? Why are you so distant?"

A dazed Marvin looked up at him, confused, before quickly turning his view back to his left side.

"Marvin, what are you staring at?" He hissed
"That girl, who is she?"

Marvin made a subtle point a few rows down, Whizzer followed his gesture to see a beautiful Woman. Her mid length hair slightly curled at the bottom bouncing as she laughed to the girl next to her. Her eyes crinkled as she smiled and she gave the impression of innocence and naivety to those watching her. Even Whizzer could admit that she was beautiful but he felt a slight pang of sadness seeing Marvin stare at her with almost his tongue hanging out.

Suddenly, out of no where a short, curly haired boy appeared.

"That's Trina, she went to my high school-"
He leant over an unblinking Marvin and stuck his hand out at Whizzer
"- hi, I'm Mendel, Marvin's friend"

"Hi, Whizzer! It's nice to meet you."

Mendel opened his mouth to reply, but quickly shut it again as the static of the microphone below them turned into a high pitched squeal sending a collective wince through the audience. The dean took his place on the platform ready to address the students but Whizzer was too distracted to listen. He was focused on watching Marvin fall in love in front of his eyes and before he knew it, everyone was leaving the hall.

"Don't wait for me, I'm getting that girls number."

"Bit confident there Marv" whizzer laughed as the painful ache in his chest grew.

Marvin whipped around to look Whizzer straight in the eyes. Even though the boy was half a foot shorter than him, the look seemed to be a cross between "you have no idea what you're talking about" and "you can call me daddy while I choke you". Whizzer instantly swallowed as Marvin looked away brushing his hand across his abdomen in a desperate attempt to calm himself. Before leaving Marvin alone.

"Oh my god, you're the guy!" Mendel exclaimed as soon as they were out of Marvin's earshot.

"Excuse me?" A confused look washed over Whizzers flustered face as he picked up the speed he was walking at.

"Marvin said he had sex with a guy! That's obviously you."

Whizzer didn't reply, but the sudden rush of blood to his face told Mendel exactly what he needed to know.

"Did he say anything about me?"
"Ask me in a couple of months."
"What! Now I'm curious."

But Mendel just disappeared Into the crowd of people all heading to the tables out the front of the hall to get their induction paperwork. Whizzer waited patiently in line, looking at the people around him, wondering where they came from, or what they were studying. Finally it was his turn.

"Whizzer Brown"

He was quickly handed a map and a small notebook, along with several booklets and prospectuses, containing information about the school, classes and clubs.

"This is your timetable, if you lose it, get another one from student services"
"Thank you!"

His voice cracked from excitement and he tried to get out of other people's way as he left the hall, wondering where he was going to go next. He ended up just wandering around for several minutes before he saw a coffee shop, and quickly headed inside. He ordered and sat down, looking through all of the material they gave him.

He thought about joining some of the clubs, but realised they weren't really his scene so he asked for the bill, putting his card down once they brought it.

"I'm sorry sir, but your card seems to have been declined." The waitress serving him said, a sympathetic look crossing her face.

Whizzer looked confused for a few seconds before realising that before he came to college, he had given his mom as much help with the rent as possible.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I'm sure I have some change-"
He rooted through his pockets and found about four dollars "- is this enough" he began to get flustered

"I'm really sorry but you're a dollar short." Her voice trickled with her sympathy, and understanding.

"What am I going to do, um, I'll go home and grab another dollar and..."

"No it's alright, I'll use some of my tips to pay"
"No really that's..."
"No-" her voice was firm "- I'm paying for you, don't let your 'masculinity' get in the way"

Whizzer was taken aback for a second, and pondered if his masculinity was toxic, he was not the most Masculine person out there. Of course his mother taught him that he should always pay for a girls meal, he had only ever gone on three dates ever and was extremely polite on all of them, but that was before he came out.

"Thank you so much, do you know anywhere that's hiring near the college?"

"I believe we are!! I'm Joanna by the way, I'm at the college, second year."

Whizzer felt relief wash over him and for the first time in a week he actually took into account how poor he was. He really forgot about money in his whole mental breakdown thing he had going. He realised that he had to take better care of himself if he wanted to make it anywhere other than six foot under.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate this. I'm Whizzer Brown!"

"Alright Whizzer Brown, why don't you come in Monday after your classes and we'll work out your shifts!"

He left the Coffee shop feeling excited about the week ahead of him and enjoyed the fresh air on his walk back to his new home. Trying to forget about why he felt uneasy and how his heart still hurt slightly.

He started thinking to himself about the situation he found himself in, sleeping with Marvin twice, and he realised he needed to grow up, and stop acting like a child. He had broken his rules, but you know what, that is okay. He would have only broken them if something important had made him do it.

"Holy shit"

He stopped dead in his tracks as he realised the real reason he had had sex with Marvin twice:

He liked him, and not in a small teenage crush way! In a 'you know what, I'd never be able to live with myself if I didn't tell you' kind of way. He picked up the pace of his walk, but ended up jogging to reach the dorms, ready to talk to Marvin.

He wasn't scared anymore and by the time he reached their door his nerves were almost entirely gone. He flung the door open, a large smile on his face and his hair out of place.

"Marvin I need to tell you something..."

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