The chess game

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I very much love this chapter

That's all I'm gonna say

"Marvin I need to tell you something"

His smile fell instantly and Whizzers heart dropped into his stomach as his eyes danced across the room straight into the curious eyes of Trina.

"what are you doing?"

Whizzer voice was shaky and strained, he felt prickles behind his eyes and concentrated hard on trying not to let the moistness become tears.

Marvin and Trina were sat on the floor a chess board between them, Marvin delicately holding Trina's outstretched fingers over a pawn on her side, showing her where to move it.

"Just teaching Trina how to play chess."
"Hi, I'm Whizzer,"

His tone became icy and sharp.

", it's nice to meet you"

Sometimes a person feels so much that they begin to feel nothing. Whizzer realised that this was different, usually Marvin would be in bed with the girl already. Instead he was being gentle with her, holding her hand lightly not digging his nails into her wrist like he had with Whizzer several times before. He subconsciously began to rub his wrist, tracing the pattern of the small crescents that were beginning to fade.

"It's lovely to meet you too!"

The optimism and positivity in her voice was sickening to whizzer and he bolted out of the door, quickly falling to the floor, he was the one being used like all the other girls before Trina. If Marvin cared about him he would be gentle, soft, sweet, but no, he was cruel and mean. He could not get up, he just sat there while his whole body trembled and he could feel his heart breaking and bring on the emptiness in its position. He began to tear up, feeling them trickle down his face urging him to scream forever, but he was too tired.

"Are you alright?"

Kind people are not born kind, they do not just suddenly decide one day to be kind either. Kind people are kind because they know firsthand that life is not. They are the people who act like they do not need any themselves yet are the ones who need it the most. And those thoughts were the ones that forced Whizzer to look up from his curled up position on the floor to the genuinely sympathetic face of Trina.

"I'm fine."

His voice was softer than before and he even managed a small smile at her.

She knelt down next to him and helped him to sit up.

"What's actually wrong?"
"I just... my card was declined and I don't have any money so I have to find a job and I just got a bit stressed out."
It was the only excuse he could muster, and he felt as though the lie could not fool anyone. He avoided her gaze that seemed to see straight through him and held his breath hoping that she would leave him alone.

"Don't worry, I am too"

She pulled Whizzer into a hug and even though they had just met and she had stolen the person he liked out from under him, everything did not seem too bad. After what could have been seconds but felt like minutes she let go, put her hands on his shoulders looking at him straight in the eyes and said as firmly as possible,

"Everything will be alright"

As enemies go, whizzer thought to himself, Trina was not so bad.

She wrote her phone number down on his wrist and told him to phone if he ever needed a friend then she left, walking down the corridor before stopping at the end and opening the door to her room, waving at Whizzer before leaving his vision.

He plastered a fake smile on his face and pushed open his door seeing Marvin packing up the chess game.

"Hey, why don't we play a game?"
"What, chess?"

Whizzer sat down, taking Trina's place on the white side and Marvin sat opposite him. The air was thick with the threat of sex as the pair looked at one another across the board.

Marvin pointed out the separate pieces on the board telling Whizzer what they each were,

"That's the king, you've got to protect him."
"Yes I know."

Whizzer looked down at his pieces, stretching his hand out ready to pick up a bishop, his fingers were almost touching it when Marvin made a noise of protest and Whizzer looked up at him, quickly withdrawing his hand from the piece. He took a second, contemplating the move he would make when Marvin interrupted

"Play the game"
"Please don't watch me, I can do it!"

He quickly moved the queen forward.

"Shit. I blew it"

"Do you want my help?"
"No I don't, I can think it through myself"
"Start again, we've seen the worse"

Whizzer replaced the Queen, and looked over his board, wiping his hands on his trousers as he thought over his move.

"Move a pawn"

Whizzer took on a flirting tone as he looked up at Marvin,
"No sir"
"Move a pawn"
"Move a pawn"
"Move a who?"

Marvin's short temper was beginning to flail and Whizzer quickly moved a pawn, staring into Marvin's eyes as he did so, one eyebrow raised in a "bring it on" gesture.

"Good first move"
"Quite alright, it's your go"

The game continued in a swifter fashion than the first move, Whizzer matching the skill that Marvin had, surprising him with his witty ness.

"Do you like Games Marv?"
"Marvin and yes, why?

Whizzer moved his knight across the board smirking down at Marvin.

"How about we play a little game."
"We're literally playing chess right now"
"No, I mean a game with real stakes"

Marvin moved a pawn, in retaliation and sat back on his heels, a look of confusion crossing his face.

"I'm in. What is it?"
"Let's flirt, let's fight, let's talk. Let us spend all day together, let's tell each other good morning and goodnight-"

Whizzer moved his King, showing his dominance.

"-Let's go on long walks together, give each other nicknames, let's hold each other."

Marvin moved a pawn, a look of submission falling over his face for a second before he regained his composure.

"How do you lose?"

"The first one who gives in to have sex with the other," Whizzers tone was gravelly and deep, unlike his usually lyrical voice ",or who ever falls in love first, they're the loser."

"And what happens if you win?"

"If I win, I get to top, if you win..."
"Whatever I want"
"Fine, since I'll win"

Marvin quickly played his queen, checkmating Whizzers King. Then he put his hand out over the board, ready to shake on the deal, but whizzer had different plans. He pulled Marvin to a standing position by his outstretched hand.

He stepped towards Marvin and could feel his breath on his neck, tickling him ever so slightly and took Marvin's chin daintily in his hand, tilting it up and kissed him, deep and passionately, but just long enough to leave him wanting more. He tugged on Marvin's dick and broke the kiss, instantly leaving the room leaving Marvin with his mouth hanging open. He was half way down the corridor when Marvin broke from his state of shock and quickly chased him, bellowing:

"Winning is everything to me!"
"Nothing is everything to me... well except sex."

His remark left Marvin standing there, ogling at him as Whizzer stepped into the Elevator, winking as the doors closed.

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