Dead bodies

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Sooooo I've had writers block, which is crazy because I'm an artist not a writer (hit up my tiktok btws) @graciethekay. Anyways, I hope that you're liking it, I'm also hoping to speed it up in a couple of chapters!!!!!!

It had been at least 3 hours of silence as Marvin lay in bed before he spoke with a small voice.

"Whizzer, are you awake?"

His question was met with a low primal grunt from the man in the other bed, half awake and slightly irritated.

"Why did you say you were gay but not a perv?"

His question was hit with silence, and again the air began to tense around them.

"Why did you say that you were straight" whizzer said, his tone biting

Whizzer took a deep breath, remembering their bargain of 'starting over'.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, homophobic jerks would always say I spied on them in the locker rooms or bathrooms because I'm gay, and I didn't even tell them. To be honest, I wouldn't have even told you I was If our lives weren't already hopelessly entangled"

"Why wouldn't you have told me?"

"Same reason you're telling me you're straight."

"I am straight!"

"No you're not. No one sleeps with men if they're not at least interested in them, and you do not look like the experimenting type."

There was a long silence. With Marvin pondering his next move.

"Whizzer," his voice was low, almost a whisper and innocent, A dramatic change from the dominant aggressive voice he had only ever heard from him,"you were the first man I slept with"

"Holy shit!" Whizzer bolted upright in his bed, "no fucking way"

A look of confusion plastered Marvin's face as he sat up, casting a shadow over his face

"Oh no, was it that bad?" A hint of worry and desperation flooded his voice and his bottom lip wavered.

"No man, that was one of the best fucks of my life! I like it rough, and holy crap, you gave me rough!"

"How often do you, umm you know, hookup with guys in bars?"

Whizzer chuckled, appreciating the innocence Marvin displayed, it was refreshing.

"Around about once a week, almost every week since I was sixteen. It's usually either older guys I've met off of Grindr or just picking people up from bars, like with you. What about you, how's your sex life- you seem like a pretty horny guy!"

Marvin blushed slightly, "I made it through the whole schools cheerleading team, excluding the guys"

"You seem pretty deep in the closet, what happened last night, surely you didn't take it lightly?"

"I ummm, after you and I" Marvin cringed slightly inside, "I drove to another bar, I hooked up with a girl, but she gave me blue balls. When I got here I slept with that girl, ummm"


"Right, and now we're here"

Whizzer felt angry. He had somehow gotten to know one guy, three times. A cocky, arrogant son of a bitch, a man with trust and anger issues, and a sensitive, quiet person who had no idea who he was. This bitch is definitely bi polar, he thought to himself.

And with that he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, whizzer woke up at 5- a habit he picked up from trying to get home before his mom realised he was gone. He got up quietly as to not disturb the sleeping boy across and rooted around his suitcase for his wash bag. Whizzer brown had a pretty vigorous beauty routine, and had perfected it over the years. He silently exited the room, closing the door as slowly as possible, it closed with a click before he strutted down the carpeted floors, bathrobe in hand.

Whizzer reached the elevator, down the long dwindling corridor and bent over slightly after entering, reading the labels on the buttons to try and find the correct one to get him to the showers. He settled for the first floor, hoping to find someone to help him. He stood back up and waited for the doors to close, wondering what he'd wear to the party, and then he heard a blundering from down the corridor. Whizzer held his head out of the elevator, wondering who would be awake at 5 am on a Saturday morning.

"Ahh hold the elevator please"

Whizzer quickly put his head back into the door and hit the button, opening the doors that were beginning to close.

"Oh my lord thank you, oh Whizzer!"

"Ummm Charlotte, I didn't know we were in the same living space, also what are you doing awake right now?"

"I could ask you the same question!"

"Old habits die hard, also I wanted to get to the showers early, before anyone else was there."

"You know you're going to the wrong floor, also maybe our day can start right now instead of at 12! What do you think?"

Charlotte hit the button to the 3rd floor, a look of excitement gracing her face.

"Of course!!! This will be great, wanna do my facial
Routine to start the day!"

And so the bonding began for the unlikely pair. One who was perceived as cold and calculating, and the other who would sleep with anyone just to feel something. Yet despite their differences, they were connected by one personality trait, their perseverance, both would go to what ever lengths they could to get the thing they most wanted.

But both would come to admit in time- it would end up being the cause of their greatest downfalls.

And that both would leave a string of dead bodies

In closets and in reality

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