Chapter 7: Whizzer

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"Well Fuck me gently with a chainsaw"

The words flew from whizzer's mouth as If they were on their own. This was not what he was expecting, and now his rules had been deeply compromised.

"How the fuck is this fucking shit possible?" The boy who had recently fucked him exclaimed as he looked up in horror at whizzer, "you know how many people go to this college, because some little fucker has definitely done this on purpose!"

"hello to you too" was all Whizzer could muster, no witty comeback came to him in his internalised state of panic.

He dropped his suitcase down and sat on the bed facing opposite the other man.


Everything had gone wrong.

"What's your name?" The boy across from him asked quietly, sensing his pent up panic.

"Whizzer, brown, whizzer brown"
"That's a kinda stupid name, Whizzer." The latter said, testing how whizzers name felt in his mouth.
"Yeah, what's your name, smart ass?"

And then it suddenly felt all too real for Whizzer. The blood rushed out of his face, and it became ashen, pallid with fear, contrasting his normally golden skin.

"I've... I've gotta go"

His breathing sped up and was now jagged, the air seemingly trapping itself in his throat, not letting the oxygen reach his lungs and bloodstream. He looked down at his bag and reached for the coat he had dropped onto it, fumbling through the pockets.
"You need any help?"
Whizzers eyes snapped up to make eye contact with Marvin for the first time, his voice lowered to hiss and a look of pure distaste crossed his face

"No I do not need your help, I do not want anything you have to offer."
He finally pulled out a pack of cigarettes from the leather jacket, took one out and stormed out of the door, waving a middle finger in the air as he left.
He slammed the door behind him, and as soon as he had made it out the door, broke down into silent tears.

You can always tell when someone is actually sad, or if they're trying to manipulate you, it all depends on how loud their cries are. Whizzers tears were silent, he didn't want anyone to know they were there, and as he raced down the corridor, his vision became a wobbling image of grief, and he just continued to move, not sure where he was going.

He came to his senses a few hours later. The sun had set over the horizon, and the previous warmth autumn had brung, turned cool and dark. Whizzer found himself sitting on a bench, the stars lighting his surroundings, staring at the cigarette in his hand, shaking from the cold. He pulled a lighter from his pants pocket and lit it, slowly taking a long draw. His shaking subsided and the tears began to dry in streaks down his face, leaving crusty lines.

"Smoking kills you know"

Whizzer looked up to see a girl with a brown bob and dark skin standing over him.

"I'm just having a bad day, wanna seat?", he squished up to sit at one end of the bench, leaving a space for the stranger before placing the cigarette back into his mouth.

" thanks, I'm Charlotte"

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