Heart flutters

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In the end, Marvin had woken up at eleven, before getting dressed and heading to the off campus Starbucks. It was three o'clock when he checked his Rolex and realised that he should probably walk back to his room to get ready before the party started, he was still feeling extremely petty and had a general air of impatience surrounding him, but thinking of the party definitely brightened his mood somewhat.

He put his sunglasses on and left a ten dollar tip on the saucer which his cappuccino was served on. "It's not my money" he thought to himself as he got up and left. He was still extremely salty at his parents for his non existent send off, but he planned on making them pay, quite literally.

The autumn breeze chopped through the orange leaves and set a chill in Marvin bones as he stepped outside, he had greatly underestimated how cold it would be that morning, and now hugged his leather jacket around him tighter, trying to squeeze every ounce of warmth from it. It was one of those days where the sun was deceiving, and although bright, bitterly cold.

The walk to campus was only a five minute one due to the shivering half walk, half run approach Marvin took to it, he was about to step into the warmth of his building, when his phone started to ring. He got it out and upon seeing the name of the contact, took a sharp, angry breath in.

"Hi Dad", Marvin's voice was bitter and infused with rage.

"Marvin, nice to hear from you."

His fathers loud and brash voice rung out of the phone and Marvin winced, distancing his phone from his ear.

"You called me" he hissed, lowering his voice as several students exited the building. He quickly walked inside, trying to keep this conversation to the shortest length he could.

"Well I wanted to ask where you are?"

Marvin stopped mid step in the middle of the corridor. His breathing became louder and his anger was beginning to show as his voice rose.

"You fucking forgot about me leaving for college!"

It was at this moment his Dad knew he had messed up

"Um yes well..."
"Save it Dad"
"Your mother and I are getting a divorce, but I've transferred you some money into your bank account"

Marvin recognised this move before. His Father was deflecting, a technique Marvin had also mastered.

"What the actual fuck Dad, why? You can't just drop a bomb like that!"
" I've transferred you ten thousand dollars, hope that's enough. Talk later"

He began to protest into his phone but was left with silence and static at the other end of the line. Of course, another classic move by him. He sighed and put his phone down, entering the building and walking to the lift.

The elevator doors had just shut when he received a text,

"Your father and I are getting a divorce, he cheated on me with some whore."

To most people, the breaking up of their family would be the start of a downwards spiral, plunging them into awkward conversations, getting stuck in the middle of arguments, but Marvin saw this as an opportunity. He bore a smug, cocky smile and began to think. His Dad had already tried to buy him off, 10k was in his bank account and he was definitely not going to be a broke college student. All he had to do, was manipulate the situation ever so slightly and he would be thriving.

By the time Marvin had reached his dorm, he had a game plan sorted out, he knew exactly how to extort his father, he was ten thousand dollars richer and he was feeling elite. He opened the door and suddenly stopped, mouth hanging slightly open at the view.

In front of him was a certain Whizzer Brown, topless, holding up two shirts to a full length mirror he had somehow managed to magic up, comparing them to see which one matched his outfit while Charlotte tried applying makeup, sitting crossed legged in front of him.

At the sound of the door opening, the pair's heads darted round and upon seeing Marvin, both had varying facial expressions. Whizzers look of shock had turned into a smirk as he saw Marvin's dropped jaw, but he quickly looked away to hide his blush. On the other hand, Charlotte looked completely bewildered, sporting half a face of blue eyeshadow and incredibly flustered sitting there in her bra.

Marvin quickly picked his jaw up off the floor and pretended not to feel the flutter in his heart as he watched whizzer choose one of the shirts and put it on.

"Marvin, this is Charlotte."

Charlotte waved at his reflection in the mirror and he did an awkward half smile white folks do when they see someone they don't really know in the street

"Um whizzer"

All of Marvin's 'eliteness' had vanished after seeing Whizzer In his 'state' and he had suddenly become very nervous

"Yes hon?"

Whizzer has been applying mascara and seemingly was not concentrating on what he was saying.

"You said you were doing fashion, so um I wondered if you could pick an outfit out for me please?"

Whizzer suddenly became so excited that he almost poked his eye out with the mascara.

"Of Course! Where are your clothes?"

Marvin chucked whizzer to his suitcase and gave him free rain to do whatever he wanted after several minutes of searching, Whizzer let out a squawking noise that sent a concentrated Charlotte flying across the room.

"Holy Moses! Marvin you are fucking rich, is this an original Christian Dior piece?"

Whizzer held up a white polo neck jumper as though it was made of glass. Upon it were hand embroidered cherry blossom branches, creating an oriental feel.

"I don't know, my mum got it and it's comfy"



After whizzer was done scorning Marvin and picking out an outfit for him, it was well past six and Charlotte had long since left. They hung out until ten ish, and decided it would be time for them to leave for the party. It was a short walk away, and they ended up following the sound of loud music and general rowdy ness and before to long, arrived at the extremely busy house.

"This is why I'm here"

Whizzer said, letting out a sigh of fulfilment as they stood in front of it, he turned to Marvin, his eyes sparkling.

"You ready?"

Marvin flushed a soft pink at the sight of the well dressed man next to him...


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