Come Back To Me

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Mika POV

We get to the hospital in under 15 minutes. In which Toni has woken and passed out twice. Both times al she said was my name.

The paramedics and doctors take her straight into surgery. All I am told is that she is internally and externally injured and the bullet is poisoning her blood so they have to surgically remove it. They try to take her away from me but I insist I come with, I could leave her, I didn't want to. Two men had came and pulled me away. I screaming at them but it was no use. 

They took me away from Toni, leaving me with a sinking feeling in my chest, a  feeling that everything would go wrong. Charlie, Steph and Jason had come in. Ava and Asia were with the police answering questions and stuff like that. Everyone had their arms around me and was soothing me but I couldn't hear them properly. It was like their words were bees flying past my ears, I couldn't catch them.

I was worried. All I could think about the fear in Toni's eyes. How she looked at me as if her nightmares were in front of her eyes. How even in pain she was still trying to protect me. I felt guilty for not going after her, for accepting her leaving. I thought about her smile, her laugh. I though about how caring she was. How she used to hold me like she was scared I was going to leave, how I would hear her telling me how much she loved me as I fell asleep at night. How she would be so protective of me as if I was her prized possession. I love her.

I begin crying again as I realise I have been talking about her in past tense. She is alive and she will be when she comes out. She will recover and she will get better. She won't hate me for leaving her. I will get her back. We sit there for a couple of hours.

I open my eyes and look around me. I see I am lying on Charlie's lap and his hand is in my hair as if he was combing his fingers through it as I fell asleep. Steph and Jason are curled up wit each other asleep on the floor, Oh I didn't know they would be such good friends so quick. 

I sit up careful not to wake Charlie. I walk out and see the surgeons coming out of the room. I look around frantically for the doctor might me. my eyes settle on him and I run.

"Where is she?" I demand her directs me to a room with a bed in it. 

"How long has she been out of surgery?" I ask

"20 Minutes." he says slowly.


"I am sorry ma'am considering what you have been through, I thought you would want to rest." I narrow my eyes at him

"You though wrong." I walk into Toni's room. I figured my outburst wake Charlie and the others up as they walked in behind me rubbing their eyes and yawning. 

My breath catches in my thought when I see her. They had cleaned her, so she wasn't covered in blood anymore. But I could see her wounds even clearer. She had a large white bandage tapped to her neck on one side, the side with the lotus flower. I could see a slash going through the Bull tattoo on her shoulder. I walked towards her and looked at her face. 

She face was slightly hollow as if she had lost a large amount of weight, very quickly she had bruises all over her face and her lip had stitches. Her hair was tangled and frizzy. I was afraid to touch her she looked so vulnerable, she didn't look lie my Toni, there was no sarcasm or smiles or anger on her face. Her eyelashes didn't flutter like they did when she was asleep, her fingers weren't twitching slightly like they usually do. It was almost as if she wasn't even alive. The though choked me as the doctor walked in.

"What's the situation doc." Charlie said for me as I was still staring at Toni.

"We successfully got the bullet out of her leg. Unfortunately it turns out she had a lot more injuries than we originally thought, how she survived so long is astounding, she has a deep cut on her neck and shoulder. She is severely bruises and malnourished. She had sustained many different blows to the head, but gladly there is no brain damage. The leg with the bullet is broken and her left wrist and a couple fingers are broken as well." I say nothing after this information is given. I just look at her.

"When will she wake up?" Steph askes quietly

"We don't know. We don't even know if she will." the doctor said. Jason puts his arms around me and holds me close to him.

I hear the doctor talking with Charlie and Steph quietly. 

"I'm sure everything is goin-" Jason is interrupted by the machine flatlining. My breathing increases rapidly. Nurse rush into the room as I am pulled out by the shoulders. I watch as they use the defibrillator on her. I watch as her chest arches off of the bed due to the shock and I watch as her heart beat reaches normal again. The machine beeping at a steady rate.

The nurse do some quick checks and then leave the room. I look at my friends and see that they are as shaken up as I am. Clutching at each other and holding hands. My hands grow cold and  I look down at them, I have a sinking feeling that they will stay cold until Toni holds them in hers again.

I walk back in. The guys say they are going to get some sandwiches and coffee. But again the words are like buzzes flying past my ears.

I sit in the chair next to Toni's bed and hold her hand in mine.

"Oh Toni. You can't leave me now. I went through so much trouble to get you back but it seems as though were are back at the beginning. When we first met I could see you in front of me but it was like I couldn't touch you. The real you and then all of a sudden I could. I could see the love in your eyes I could feel your warmth. I could see what you wanted and what you didn't. You wanted me. I want you. I need you. Come back to me Toni. Come back to me. Please."

I sob into the sheets helplessly, I long for her to wrap her arms around me and tell me everything was going to be okay. I sobbed and sobbed. Willing her to wake up. Even if when she woke up and yelled at me, I would be happy. I need to see her eyes again.

Come Back To Me.

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