Tattoos, Piercings and Mango Mashes

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Recap: Mika's brother has visited her to tell her that their father has died recently. It comes as a surprise to Mika to find out that her father has left her 57% of his money even though he treated her badly. He had left her a letter explaining that he was hard on her because she was very independent and never seemed to get angry. He also knew her sexuality and was sad that he was never a person that she told. He asks for her forgiveness and tell her he loved her. He also says where he wants his ashes spread.

. . . 

Toni POV

I place the letter on Mika's lap and she is sitting on my chest. She looks confused as she looks over it again. We sit in silence as she continuously reads over it. 

"I don't know what to say. I mean I feel bad"

"Why do you feel bad."

"Because it doesn't hurt me that he died. He and my brother were dead to me before I moved here it seems as though I have already grieved the loss of what I could've had if he loved me. Then it turns out he did."

"Don't feel bad. He knew what he was doing when he treated you like that. If anything be thankful, even though he gave you hell without it you wouldn't be as strong as you are now. Think of it like that." I say staring at the ceiling.

She shifts so she is laying on top of me, her chin resting on my collar.

"I don't want to spread his ashes with my brother." she says with her eyes closed

"Only because I feel like they were closer and I didn't even really know the man." 

"Okay that is fair enough. Whatever you want to do I will back you up. What are you going to do with the money." 

"I'll keep it. But only because it was his way of apologizing for ruining my childhood." she says

"Okay. Whatever you want to do shortcake."

"Thank You for being here for me Toni." she says opening her eyes. I kiss her. She deepens the kiss by moving her body upwards and straddling me. She places both her hands either side of my head, I put my hands on her hips and hold them. She smiles into my mouth.

"I want a tattoo." she says. I open my eyes and pull back.

Mika POV


"I want to get tattoos and a nose piercing." I say indignantly 

"Okay. Why?"

" Because I have always wanted to get a two butterfly's on my chest. And I want a nose piercing." I say playing with the piercing on her nose. 

"Show me the tattoo." she says calmly. I sit up and grab my phone. I go into my camera roll where I had saved the picture. When I found it I showed Tee.

 When I found it I showed Tee

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