~Chapter 1 ~ The Past ~

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Shadow POV

"Aah!" Sonic cried. We were in the middle of fighting off the Biolizard. "Shadow! It's too strong! We need more power!" I looked at the blue hedgehog and nodded. He was almost in tears, he might have thought that we couldn't do it, but I knew we would. I quickly took my inhibitor rings off my wrists.

I looked over my shoulder and told Sonic what to do. "On the count of three, use Chaos Control and give it all your power! Don't hold back!" I yelled. The cobalt hero nodded. "3.." I started. "2.." I was beginning to power up. "1!" I called.

"CHAOS..CONTROL!!" Both me and Sonic yelled that at the top of our lungs. Eventually, the Biolizard had been stopped, and the ARK went back to it's place above Mobius.. But.. 

I could feel my power draining..

Sonic POV

"Yes..yes..YES!!! We did it!" I cried. "Shadow! We did it! We saved the world! Shadow..?" I looked around but couldn't find the ebony hedgehog anywhere. Then, I saw him falling to his death. 

"Shadow!" I gasped as I flew to him as fast as I could, catching him. "S-Sonic..?" He said. I could see the terror in his eyes, he knew he was going to die, but I wasn't going to let him

"It's okay, Shadow, your alright!" I said trying to calm him down. "Your going to be fine!" As I said that, he shook his head. "No.. I'm losing my Chaos energy.. You would have to carry me to the ARK.." He said, near tears. "You cannot carry my weight and make it back to the ARK before you lose your Chaos energy.. You have to let me go." He tried to push me away, but I held on to him tighter. 

"No..!" I was nearly bawling. I couldn't see him die, I just couldn't! "After all you've been through, you deserve to live. You barely even got a life 50 years ago, and even when Eggman woke you up, you were just his lackey! I should be the one to die." 

"No, you have a-" I cut him off "And you don't!" I was an emotional wreck at this point. "If I had the choice to either let someone who barely had a life die, or  give up my own, I would rather die!" We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.

"But.. How will you get me up there..?" Shadow asked, breaking the silence. "You'll see.." I said closing my eyes. I put my hand on his chest. "Wh-what are you doing..?" He asked. "I'm giving you my Chaos energy so you can fly back up to the ARK." I said, not moving a muscle. "Wh-what!? Y-you'll die though!" I looked up at him.

"I know."

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