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I walked down the narrow street tugging nervously at my oversize hoodie. I was almost to my hell called my home. The house stood gloomily and cast a million shadows on the bushes surrounding it. It was very quiet and that wasn't a good sign.

I made it to the ladder that I kept under the window for easy entre and escape cause using the front door is a suicide mission. The ladder creaked under my weight as I climbed up, the window flung open in one push motion. I helped myself into my dark room, closing the window silently behind me and turned the light on. The room wasn't much to look at only a worn out mattress on the floor, 2 ragged blankets and a small bag containing my few personal belongings. I fell down on my bed, all the soreness and tiredness engulfed me in an instant and I answered the request of my body to fall asleep. Finally falling into the pit of sleep I was jolted out by a loud scream of my name. I shuddered. My name came out slurred meaning he was drunk and by the I mean my so called step dad but James to me.

My mother is dead or so they say. I went on a field trip only to return and be told she died suddenly of a mysterious illness which I didn't believe but when I asked I got a whiplash as an answer. CALL THE POLICE.NO.James'll kill me and then commit I have no choice. I managed to balance my body on my weak legs and walk down the stairs. A wave of nausea hit me as I smelt the familiar smell of alcohol. I clutched my grumbling stomach, I honestly don't remember eating in 3 days as I walked into the kitchen where I assumed he was. I was right, seated at the counter drowning down a bottle of alcohol was James the man who made life miserable for me.

'where were you?' he blurted out in a very drunken tone, standing to his full height, extremely tall compared to my 5'4 heights. I moved backwards till my back hit the wall, I was stuck.

'I,i...was in, room' I managed to stutter out as he moved closer closing the space between us. He grabbed my hoodie at the neck and his fist came in contact with my face, causing me to spit blood and crumple to the floor. The one I received last night hadn't worn off so I had no strength to fight back or defend myself. He continued to punch while I groaned out in pain. Then he yelled 3 words that changed my world forever.

'we're moving tonight' I almost let out a laugh but groans came out instead. He couldn't put food for both of us and he's moving. Then I realized something I was wrong in his eyes wasn't excitement of moving it was FEAR? He was running away from something he did. I wondered why he couldn't just leave me I could survive on my own like I'd done for the past 10 years.

I dragged myself up and went back to my room. Peeling off my hoodie carefully, blood ran down my arm from the whiplash that had reopened and a few new wounds, Grabbing the antiseptic I hid at the corner of my room, I poured a little on the cotton wool and began to dab, stifling my cries and screams but letting hot tears run down my cheek soaking my white tanktop.I soon bandaged the wounds, wore a fresh hoodie and packed my belongings. I met James downstairs waiting, he grabbed my luggage and threw it into the trunk then me into the backseat, I slammed my head into the door and winced. He entered, started the car and drove into oblivion.

............................................................................................................................SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER, AND THANX FOR READING PLEASE VOTE COMMENT AND CHECK OUT MY SECOND BOOK EVA BLACK.


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