Chapter 2

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Zina flew high in the dark sky listening to the joy of the humans. Appalling, she thought to herself. She flew down and landed on the roof of a house and peeked into a window.

There, in a crib, laid a baby. Sound asleep and snoring quietly. She put her hand on the baby's head and begun to give it horrible, terrifying dreams. The baby begun to sweat profusely and squirmed in it's crib.

She had given it a nightmare. Zina pulled her hand away from the baby's head and begun to laugh.

She was shortly cut off when a bright light begun to shine in the room. A light so bright, it made Zina move back and trip on her left wing. She landed on it with a loud thud and screamed loudly, startling the baby and making it cry loudly.

"Shut up, you foul creature!"she yelled and got up heading towards the crib. She was about to grab the baby, when two hands grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her out of the window.

She landed on her side and looked into the room only to see an angel of light beside the baby. It's back was facing her so she tried to climb in and attack, but before she could move her hands to lift herself up, the window shut and locked itself.

"Curse you. You're a bunch of buzz kills!" She grumbled loudly while using her fists to bang on the window. She suddenly felt a pain so intense coming from her wing.

She looked down at her wing only to find it in a pool of blood. A shiver went up her spine as she moved one of her hands to touch the wound.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." She heard a male voice say. She looked up to meet another bright light.

She groaned loudly as she covered her eyes with her hands. "What is with you guys and light?" She asked angrily. She heard the angel giggle.

"Well, we are angels of light." He replied. She could almost feel the smile on his face as he spoke, and that was agonising.

She felt a hand touch her wound, causing her to jump. "Don't touch me. What do you want from me?"she asked as she lifted her head only to meet the back of the angel as it begun to fly away.

"Look at your wing. Oh and just a reminder; if you ever try to touch my baby again, I'll snap your neck." He said and disappeared into the nights sky.

"Wow. Who knew angels could be hostile." she thought aloud. She looked down at her wing and screamed .

Her wound was gone but in place of her originally beautiful black feathers, were bright, white ones. She stretched her right hand to touch them. She hesitated, but finally did touch them.

They were clean and smooth. They felt brand new, like her wings as a young dark angel, she hated them. She held onto one and yanked it out.

She bit her lower lip to avoid screaming. The pain was excruciating. She grabbed onto a few and yanked them all out as she gnawed on her lip.

A strong metallic taste filled her mouth, making her notice that she had been cutting her lips with her teeth. She looked down and noticed that black feathers had grown where the white ones were.

She sighed heavily as she began to get up. She looked up into the sky, licked her bloody lips, spread her wings and took off, heading back home.




She arrived quickly and ran to her father, who was still sat on the throne. She rolled her eyes when she saw him aimlessly gazing into the sky. "Back from your nightly scares." He said with his eyes still fixed on the sky. She sighed, and begun to tell him what had happened.

Zersiz was outraged. He ascended from his throne and began to punch the walls of the volcano they lived in, causing it to shake a little. He grabbed Zina's left wing and began to examine it. When he found nothing, he became more and more ferocious. His iris shifted from red to black.

Zina approached her father and held his hands before they punched the walls of the volcano. "Why are you so furious? It's not like he killed me or something." She looked deep into her father's eyes. They were filled with anguish and disgust.

"I am furious because I thought you were strong enough to kill any angel of light! How can you kill the human if you are daft enough to fall on your own wing and break it" Zina gasped, her father's words cut her so deep. It felt like a gun shot to the head "and then an angel of light healed you."

She took a step back and straightened up. "I shan't fail you, Father. Just tell me where the boy is and I'll get rid of him." She said with confidence.

"He is just a normal boy who lives in the town that I assigned Darkos to torment. But Darkos never did succeed." Zersiz said, shaking his head slowly. "There's something off about him. I think that maybe there are some Elders in the kingdom of light which are protecting him because he could be the one to destroy us all."

He walked towards his throne and grabbed a stone. He clenched his fists and crushed the stone, turning it into dust. "That's why we have to take him down."


End of the second chapter. First chapter was too short so I had to post another. Hope you liked it.

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