Forever Love - Thomas Brodie Sangster

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:𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫

"Thank you." You said when you gave the money to the driver. You looked around as memory flashing in your mind.

'Thomas and I used to hang out here regularly. " You sighed. The reason you came back to London is to see your parents. Well, in their grave. You've got nobody since you're the only daughter they had.

But, Luckily you didn't fall into deep depression and continued your life. You enter your house. You went straight toward your bedroom.

You smiled. The room doesn't change. ' Hmm auntie didn't change anything I see."

You decided to take a shower and went to bed.

The front door of your and Thomas's apartment opened. Revealed the sad you. You just came back from the hospital. Your mom is in her worst state.

You've not told Thomas yet since he was too busy. You were expecting to see Thomas waiting for you on the couch.

"Thomas?" You said. Searching for him all around the house. "Thomas where are you? Stop playing around." You said. You started to get worried.

You're about to get out of your shared room when you notice his belongings have gone. "No way" you said. You decided to check all his stuff and find out all of Thomas's stuff has gone.

Then you see an envelope on the table. You took the paper out and read it out loud.

"Dear Y/n,

You might have noticed that all of my belongings have gone as well as me when you read this note. I'm sorry to tell you but

I think it the best for us to break a part.

It's not like I don't love you. I do. I'm really in love with you, y/n. It just, I've decided to focus on my career more. You know how much I want to be an actor.

I think this is the last time we met. I hope you're doing just fine without me. I'm truly sorry for leaving you. In this way. It's just I don't have any gut to say it to you.

Sorry again. I will and always will love you.



Your tears flow over your face.' How can he? How can he break up with me just like that? At least tell me in person.' you said in your mind when suddenly your phone started to ring in.

It was the hospital's number. You answer it. "H-hello" you tried to say it without hiccups."Hi. Is this Y/n Y/F/N?" The person said.

"Yes. It's me" you answered. "I'm from __ hospital, have some bad news for you"

"W-what is it?". Your heart dropped when you heard the news.

You arrived at the hospital. You immediately went to your mother's room.

You opened the door just to see the doctor and two nurses lowering their heads.

"No. Mom!" You yelled. You ran to your mother's body. She's turning blue. "C-can't you help her?" You said to the doc.

"We're truly sorry but we can't do anything anymore. Your mother unfortunately had died. " He said. You fell onto the floor and cried. You grabbed your chest. Your heart is broken.

You just broke up with your 4 years boyfriend no. He left me. And your mother's leaving you too. The doctor and the nurses watching you, feeling sympathy for you.

You woke up from your sleep. "Why did I dream about that again?" You said. The feelings came back.

You remember after that night, your auntie who's your mother sister decided to take care of you with her husband.

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