Secret Admirer - Thomas Brodie Sangster

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" Look what's our Thomas got on his desk. " Dylan said. Pointing at the note on Thomas's desk.

" Uuu. Is that perhaps a love letter? " Tyler said. " I'll read it letter. " Thomas say and put the letter on his drawer.

" Oh come on. You're not fun. " Dylan said. " Come on guys, the teacher is coming. Don't want to get yourself in trouble don't ya?" Thomas said.

" Fine. But let us know either it's a love letter or not. " Tyler said. " Tsk. Depends. " Thomas said. For some reason, he want the school to end faster.

The door open reveal the young fine looking man. He goes straight to the bedroom and close the door.

He unzipped his bag and takes the letter. A smile appears on his mouth as he read the words on the envelope.

" A letter for the most lovely person "
Without wasting any times more, he take out the letter.

" To: Thomas Sangster
Hi. Again from your ' secret admirer '.
I heard you are sick so I want to know if you are well or not.

Seeing you lunch at the cafeteria with your friends tell me that you are fine.
I hope you take care of yourself or I'll die of worrying so much.

Your Secret Admirer"

He can't help but smile all the time he reads the note. Believe it or not, Thomas may or may not have fallen for his secret admire.

It's not like he don't get another love letter from the others. He got it a lot from the girls. But one thing for sure they just simply talk about their feeling and wrote down their name.

Otherwise than the person who named herself a secret admirer. She would ask him a question, how is he.
Thomas remembered the first time he received the letter.

At that time, Thomas who's forgot to bring his book, like a diary from his table. If anyone found that book, he screwed as they're his most secret able things he kept.

Good thing is, this secret admirer tell him about it through the letter.

Since that time, the person behind the letter always remind Thomas when he forgot something. Without Thomas realise, he fall for her.

Y/n's P.O.V

I was doing homework when I remember about the letter I put on his locker.

I couldn't help but smiled. It's been 3 month since i do those things. I, as you can see have a crush on him, no it's not a crush. It's love.

Many people admit that they have a crush on him but not fall for him which obviously they just like him for his look.

While me, I fallen in love with him when I saw him helping the old man on the street.

At first I thought he just the same typical high school boy who is a playboy. Turn out I'm wrong. He never date someone.

I'm so happy that Thomas is actually read my letter. I mean like he read it. And I can see the smile he put on.


" Hey Thomas. " Dylan asked. " Yeah? " he said. " You forgot to tell us about the yesterday letter. " Dylan said.

" pfft. It was nothing. " Thomas said.
" Yeah, as if we would believe you. So what's up with those smile you have when you read them? " Tyler said.

" What smile? I always smile remember? " Thomas said. " Bruh. Tell us now or we read it by ourselves. " Dylan said while showing the letter.

" Hey. Where did you got that? Give me back " Thomas said. " Nope. Until you tell us " Dylan said.

" Jeez, fine. Just give me that letter first. " Thomas said. He sigh knowing that he's secret have been revealed

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