1| Thomas when

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[ For Your Information, you are 13 in this story while he is 14 ]

You're his best friend and one day, he were talking to your dad.

“ Hey buddy. Waiting for Y/n? ” Your dad asked.

“ Yes, uncle. I'm waiting for her. What's she doing actually ” Thomas said.

“ She always took an hours to  ready for school. You know she never like school right? ” Your dad said.

“ Yes. I know her very well. But I'll be waiting for her. ” Thomas mutter while smiling.

“ You know you don't have to do that right ” Your dad said.

“ Yes I know. ” Thomas said. “ Then, why you always waiting for her even though she's the one who will make you two late at school ” Your dad asked.

“ Uncle, what do we call when we felt something unsual. Like butterflies in our stomach or we felt so warm when we near the person? ” Thomas asked.

“ Well, we call it love. It means they're in love with the person. ” Your dad answer.

“ Then, uncle. I'm in love with Y/n ” He said.

 I'm in love with Y/n ” He said

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