Cheating part 2 - Thomas Brodie Sangster

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It's been 2 weeks already. And I'm still not over him yet. I actually still hoping him to come and apologize to me. But that's little hope turns to smoke.

My family and friends kept on spamming on my phone asking where I am. I reply that I'm fine but actually I'm stuck in my new apartment, on my bed.

I heard my friend, Kaya knock on my door over and over. I try to ignore her but she seems to not stop do it .

I groaned as I walk to my door. “ What? ” I ask her as soon as I open my door. “ Oh my god. What happens to you? ” she ask me.

I just ignore her and walk back to my room. “ Ew, why do your house so dirty. ” she say that but I don't really think about it since all I think right now is laying on my bed.

I burry my face onto the pillow, not caring about what Kaya talk about.

“ Hey, Y/n. Don't ignore me. ” she say. “ okay. I'm here not to be ignored. Listen to me Y/n. ” she say.

“ What? ” I say still bury my face on the pillow. “ You should come with me, outside. You can not continue on hiding in here. It's been 2 weeks already. ” she say.

“ it's not healthy for you. I mean look at you. You look like- totally a mess. Your house look so dirty. ” she say.

“ Okay, I know you're like this because of Thomas but you can't acting like this. You've got to move on. Why are you acting like this, it's not like Thomas will come to you and persuade you. ” she say.

“ I know because he's happy with her now. He literally post it on media sosial I mean he's new girlfriend. ” She say.

“ Just stop being a child an act like an adult, more mature. I hope this get into your head and you'll decides to change back. ” she sigh knowing I would not talk to her and walk out.

I turn my face facing the wall. My room is dark since I close the curtains. Her words keep on repeating on my head.

I wake up from my bed and walk to the mirror. I look terrible. I look unorganized. There's no eye bag but my face totally tell me that I'm tired. My hair looks slender. And I'm smell terrible.

I look into my eyes say to myself. “ That's right. Why do I hiding from everyone when he's not even care about me. I should move on. He's not worth it tho. I should show to him that I'm fine without him! ” I slap my own face.

I open the curtains from my room and gasp. “ Now I knew why she say this place looks like rubbish. ” I started to clean up the place and take a shower.

I open my phone and sees a tons of message coming from my Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat.

There's also from fan who's tagging me. I'm not bothering by that just call my boss. I thought it's gonna be hard for me to get my work back but seems like my boss knows what happening and allowed me.

Next week-

Seems like I do a lot better now. I decides to take a break from media sosial. I was walking with my coffee still in my work dress since I just finished my works.

My eyes widen as I walked into the least person I want to meet, Thomas.
“ Oh, Y-Y/n. ” he say. “ Hi Thomas. ” I fake cough.

“ Nice to meet you again, Thomas” I say.

“ I know we're not ended well but I will handle it in adult way. ” I tell him and he nods. Seeing he not saying anything I decided to go but he hold me.

“ Wait y/n. I want to apologise. I'm sorry.” he say. I look at him .

“ I take your apology. ” I tell him. “ So does that mean we're still friends?” he ask me.

“ I'm sorry Thomas but I'm afraid not. I know I forgive you but I can't just forgot about what you have done. ” I tell him, sternly. He gulps.

“ Well actually it's good thing you left me. I don't have to worry about my job anymore consider that I'm always thinking about you. And I'm doing a lot better now. And I'm going to moved somewhere . ”
I say to him.

“ I'll go first. I hope you'll be fine after this since you'll be in a real drama. ” I wink at him and walk off.

He just watch you walk away when he received a message from someone.
“ Hey, I think you should be home right now to see some ‘ scene ’. It's very exciting. ” And the person send him a picture of his new girlfriend kissing another guy.

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