Rain Confession - Thomas Brodie Sangster

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: 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫

" Thomas! " You called your best friend, also the one who you loved. He turned to facing you. He then smiled, the most things you like about him.

" Y/n!." He said. " Hey, why don't you wait for me? I'm worried you know. He told you while pouting.

" Hehe. Sorry Thomas. I kinda thought that I'm late for school. " You explained. " Geez. You're so clumsy, y/n." He said and ruffled your hair.

" He-." You were about to scold him when the school's bell sounded. " Let's go to our class shall we?." He said, smiling.

"You're lucky. " You said before heading off to your own class. You and Thomas aren't in the same classroom.

Time skip-

It's recess time and you do not see Thomas's silhouette. "That's weird. He'll be the first one to come to the cafeteria and wait for me." You said.

'Meh. I'll find him later." You said in your mind. You and Thomas had been best friends since two of you were 5. Your mom and his have a strong bond.

Time skip-

You were searching for Thomas. He's nowhere to be found. You search and search. And finally you found him. You're about to approach him when you see him laughing with Ruby, the popular girl on campus.

You felt your heart clenched. " Is she the one? " You said. You remembered that Thomas once said that he liked someone. And that makes you sad but you expected someone nicer than Ruby. She's a bit*h.

You decided to go home as you can't stand it.


You were expecting Thomas to call you that night but no. Not a single call. You honestly hurted by his action but decided to ignore it.

Again, you tried to find him and turn out to see him talking to Ruby again. 'Ugh. Seriously? You decided to talk to him later since you're sure Ruby will say something bad to you.

You quickly pack your stuff and go to Thomas's class. When you're about to enter his class, you two come across. " Tho-." you stopped when he quickly turned around and walked off.

You want to run after him but he's too fast. " Why did he avoid himself?" You asked.

You tried to approach him the next day. And all he did was run away. And it's happening over and over for 2 weeks.

You want to know the reason he acted that way so you set aside your hurted feelings. You're searching for him again. You're at the second floor hallway.

As you were walking, you saw Ruby and it seemed like she noticed you by the way she's smirking. You tried to ignore her by walking pass her but she said something that made you stop.

"Oh y/n. It's pointless if you are searching for Thomas." She said. "What do you mean?." You raised your eyebrow.

" Well because he's surely gonna ignore you by running away. " She said.

" W-what? You know that's not true. " You said. " Are you blind or what? I can see you know. I saw him running away from you for these 2 weeks. " She said.

You clenched your fist. " Take the clue y/n. He doesn't want to see you. He's annoying to see your face." She said.

" We know that's not tru-." You said. " He said that to me by himself. He said that you are so annoying because you always clung onto him as if you're his girlfriend when you're not. " She said.

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