Lockdown - Thomas Brodie Sangster

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:𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫

I'm awake by the rays of sunlight that covered half of my face. I look beside me and found no one's there. To be exact, my boyfriend of 3 years.

Thomas Brodie Sangster. Yes. He's an actor. But for me, it's not a big deal. I love him for what he is.

I found my foot make a movement, going to the kitchen. Well, our apartment is two stairs.

We're both managed to buy a simple and enough for us to lived. I know that Thomas is in the kitchen as I can smell the burning food.

I can see Thomas's silhouette . He's shirtless.

Thomas's P.O.V

I were doing Y/n and I breakfast. Well, it's burning . At least I'm trying. Talking about Y/n. She's my girlfriend.

She's the kindest person I've ever met. She's pretty but that's not what I'm seeing in her. Her personality make me fall for her.

She's weird. I mean, she like weird thing. She become herself. When I first met her, she claims to be my fan.

I thought she's gonna scream and being crazy over me , just like some of my fan. But nope. She didn't.

Y/n be like, ‘ Oh. You're Thomas Brodie Sangster. Nice to meet you. ’ She said and walked off. It cool actually. I caught myself thinking about that night.

The next day, I was walking with my sister on the street. Well, she want to buy some stuff for her boyfriend.

We enter the shop that sells games stuff. And my shock I met her again.
We tried to asked the workers there but they seems to busy talking with other customers who came earlier.

Y/n then ask us what's the problem. We asked her either she's the workers there but nope. She's not. She just a customer like us.

It turns out she do know a lot about this stuff. We then caught hangout together and eventually became a couple.

I'm trying to throw the burned pancakes but being such an idiot I am, I forget that the pancakes is still hot.

So, my fingers are burning. I don't notice that Y/n is here until she run to me and take my right hand and trying to cool it down.

“ Oh god. Can't you at least for once tried to not hurting yourself? You're worrying me. ” She said. A worried tone can be heard from her voice.

“ It’s okay if I'm hurted. As long as my angel are here, she would protect me.” I said, smiling while looking at her.

“ Oh, really? I can guess that she's pretty. ” She said.

“ Yeah. She's really pretty to the point I want to hold her tightly and kiss her as many as I can. ” I said and stare into her eyes.

Her face starting to turns to pink. I smile and then chuckled. “ Aww, Y/n. It's been 3 years already and you still shy of me? ” I said.

“ Don't make fun of me. ” She said and pouting. She hide her face on my chest as she hug me.

“ Sorry dear. I couldn't resist that you're so adorable. ” I said.

“ Stop with the compliment. By the way. What are you doing? ” She said.

“ As you can see. I'm trying to cook some breakfast for us but failed as it's burned. ” I said which making she giggled.

“ What if, you sat on the couch and watch the TV while me, doing the breakfast? ” She said.

“ Hehe. Sounds good for me. I love you, Love. ” I said.

No one's P.O.V

“ So what's should we do next? ” Y/n said. Y/n and Thomas is cuddling on their couch.

“ Hurm. I also don't know. ” He said. “ Let's do our usually routine. ” She said.

“ What routine? ” Thomas asked. “ Well, Sleep, cuddles, watch some Netflix. ” She said. Thomas laugh.

“ Love, how about our apartment? We need to clean em. ” He said.

“ Meh. We've done it a hundred times already. I believe we can clean it tomorrow. ” She said.

“ Geez. You're lucky I love you. ” He said and pinching her nose.

“ Hehe. I love you too. ” She said. That's what they do on this quarantine. Being all lovey-dovey toward each other.

Bet even corona can't break them. ( Jk. Jk. )

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