4-Surprise Visit!

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{I have it where they had a whole week off after their internships}

~(Y/n) POV~

     I stretch my wings a little before I step into the classroom. For once I'm even more disappointed to be going to school. I just wanna call Keigo and hear his voice again. God I'm so love sick. I think as I walk to my seat not really doing anything besides for just thinking.
     "(Y/n)." Nemuri says, taking me from my thoughts, and I look at her.
     "Hey, Nemuri! I missed you!" I smile and give her a hug and she laughs before giving it back.
     I twitch a little when I realize that nearly everyone is staring at me. I glance around and turn my head to avoid their stares. What did I do? They're all staring at me. I clear my throat and then turn back to Nemuri.
     "H-how was your work study?" I ask and then curse myself for stuttering.
     "My work study!? What about yours!? You talked down a villain and walked out with him and even led him to a cruiser!" Nemuri says and shakes my shoulders and I wrap my wings around myself.
     "Nemuri let her go. You're making her nervous." Shota states as he walks up.
     "(Y/N) THAT WAS SO COOL! I SAW YOU ON THE NEWS!" Hizashi yells as he comes through the door and I chuckle nervously as my ears ring.
     "T-thanks, Hizashi." I say as I rub my ears in pain. "It's not really that big a deal. Takino was just scared and needed money and couldn't think of any other way to get it." I say and fiddle with Keigo's feather that I had attached to some string so I can wear it like a necklace.
     "He even told you his name?" One of my classmates asks and I nod with a smile.
     "He was very nice. I'll probably visit him in the future one day. He said he'd support me and my partner for our careers." I smile as I talk happily.
     "Partner?" Shota asks curiously and I nod.
     "The boy who was at the agency I interned at is gonna be my partner when I join that agency. We even have similar quirks." I say and smile brightly at the mention of Kiego.
     "OH MY GOSH! You have a crush on him! Eee! I'm so happy for you!" Nemuri wraps me in a hug and I blush a little, making my wings turn a little blue.
     "Get in your seats, you gremlins. You can ask (L/n) more questions later." Teacher says as he walks in the room and giving me an impressed look.
     "Awww." My classmates whine before they go to their seats and sit down.
     "On to the lesson."
     I chuckle as I sit down and feel my phone vibrate.

Chicken Hawk: who's this guy you have a crush on? Should I be worried?
Fire Chicken: we'll he's very handsome and sweet. Oh and he likes chicken like me!
Chicken Hawk: maybe I should be worried.
Fire Chicken: as much as I love talking to you I have class. I'll text you at lunch. Love you!

     "Who were you texting?" Shota taps my shoulder and whispers and I smile at him.
     "Partner." I whisper back and he nods with a frown before I turn back toward the front.
     I hope Shota's okay. He looked a little sad. I think grimly as I fiddle with the feather and pet it gently and feel my phone vibrate and know it's Keigo saying it feels good.

{Time Skip}

     "Finally! Time to eat! I'm ready for some chicken!" I exclaim happily and feel my phone vibrate.
     "I'll never get over how you like to eat chicken." Hizashi says and I laugh.
     "It taste great." I say and bump shoulders with him and he grins.

Chicken Hawk: can I have some chicken too?

I laugh a little at this and mess with the feather and I suddenly moves up and starts to tickle my neck making me laugh at this.
     "It moved!" Nemuri says shocked and both me and the feather freeze in place.
     "Y-yeah." I grin as we set our trays down in the table before we sit down.
     "How?" Shota asks and I chuckle.
     "It's part of his quirk. He can individually control each of his feathers and can sense things with them. I think it's cool. I wish I could do that with my feathers." I say and hold out the feather after pulling it off from around my neck.
     "I think your quirk is amazing." Shota says and I grin with a tiny blush.
     "Thanks, Sho! I think your quirk is pretty awesome too!" I grin at him and he flushes a little.
     I gasp in surprise when the feather starts tickling me crazily. "Gah! Keigo! S-stop! No-ah!" I say in between laughs as it tickles me. I get annoyed and grab it. "I hope you're in a very important meeting!" I say and quickly start to tickle the feather rapidly.
     "HAHAHAHA!" I hear a laugh and stop for a moment.
     "I know that laugh." I say and stand up from my seat and tickle it again.
     "GAH! (Y-Y/N)! S-STOP!" I hear Keigo yell near the cafeteria doors and quickly run over there.
"Keigo!" I yell happily and jump into his arms before he's ready and he stumbles back a little.
"Hey beautiful. Miss me?" He asks and gives me a kiss on the cheek before setting me down. "I bring a peace offering." He says and pulls out a box of Strawberry Pocky from his jacket.
"Ooo! Thank you! How are you here? Don't you have patrol?" I ask and he grins.
"I convinced Tani to let me have the day off. I flew here, I made sure not to get caught, and talked to the principle and asked if I could see you." Keigo states and I grin.
"I'm glad you did. Oh! Come on! You need to meet Shota, Hizashi, and Nemuri!" I say and grab his wrist and start for our table.
"(Y/n), who's this hottie?" Nemuri asks as she looks at Keigo.
"This is...um..." I glance at Keigo and he chuckles.
"They probably won't see me again, but just to be safe don't tell 'em." He replies and I nod.
"Hawks. He's the guy I told you about. My future hero partner." I say and Nemuri nods.
"He's a cutie." Nemuri states and I nod and nudge his side.
"Sorry, I'm happily taken." Keigo states and I chuckle.
"That's unfortunate. I would've liked to play with you." Nemuri states and I chuckle.
"Ouch, Nemuri. I know I'm not a model but sheesh." I give her a grin and her face gets worried.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so so sorry, (Y/n)! I didn't know you two were a thing!" She says and I nod my head.
"It's fine, Nemuri. Don't worry." I say and she slowly nods her head.
"I thought Nemuri would be the first one of us to get in a relationship." Hizashi says with a grin and I laugh.
"Me too, Hizashi. I never expected to get a boyfriend." I say and slap Keigo's hand as he tries to eat a piece of my chicken.
"Why him?" Shota suddenly says from his spot as he glares daggers at Keigo.
"Are you okay, Shota? You don't normally get the glarey when you talk to someone new." I ask and look at him worried before he glares harder at Keigo.
"I just want to make sure you're not gonna get in a toxic relationship. You're a good person and don't deserve to get hurt by someone." He states and I look at him happily before Keigo pulls me closer to him.
"Thank you for your concern Shota. You're a great friend." I smile at him and he looks away and starts to eat his food.
"Have you ate any of your Pocky yet? I stopped by and got it before I came here." Keigo says to me and I quickly open the box.
"Who wants a piece?" I ask and look at my friends who nod rapidly. "One for Hizashi, one for Nemuri, one for Shota, one for K-Hawks, and the rest are mine!" I pull the box away with a grin and Keigo chuckles and reaches for it.
"Don't make me steal yours!" He says and I boop his nose before stealing his and taking a bite. "Hey! No fair!" He whines and I laugh before giving him my uneaten stick and he rolls his eyes before eating it.
"So how long did Tani say you could stay down here?" I ask and he finishes his Pocky before he talks.
"He says I have to get back to the agency before my midnight patrol." He says before finally snatching a piece of my chicken and I roll my eyes.
     "Great. They're both cannibals." Hizashi chuckles and I give a fake scoff.
     "You're a cockatoo. We could eat you." I grin and Hizashi gives a loud terrified screech before hiding under the table. "It was a joke! Sheesh! I'd like to keep my eardrums!" I say as I hold my pained ears.
     "I see why you complain about his quirk so much." Keigo says pained and I nod.
     "We should go hang out later. Get to know Hawks and see if he's good enough for our (Y/n)." Nemuri states and I roll my eyes.
     "Sure thing." Keigo says and stands up.
     "Why are you-" I ask but get interrupted by the ringing bell.
     "Feathers baby girl." He states before shrinking his wings a little.
     "Did your wings just get smaller?" Hizashi asks and comes up to Keigo.
     "Yep!" Keigo states as he dumps my tray before we walk back to class.
    "Are you coming with us?" I ask and he nods happily.
     "I told them I'd give your class some pointers in exchange for getting to see you at lunch." He says as he holds my hand as we walk.
     "I always forget that you're a pro already." I say and Nemuri, Hizashi, and Shota stop in their tracks.
     "He's a pro?" Shota asks and me and Keigo both nod.
     "How? He's about your age."
     "I'm just a little younger than you guys." I deadpan at Hizashi's statement.
     "I've had government training. I didn't go to any hero school. I own my own agency." Keigo says and I look at him shocked.
     "I thought Tani owned the agency?" I say and he shakes his head.
     "He's running it until I'm "old enough" to do it myself. But I did pick you for recommendation." He says and I blush with blue wings when he kisses my forehead.
     "Let's get to class." Shota states and I nod and follow him.
     "I've been informed that we have a guest here for your training today." Our teacher says as he stand behind the podium. "Meet the Winged Hero: Hawks."  Teach says and gestures for Keigo to step inside.
     I get jealous when a few of the girls in my class start talking about how hot he is. He's mine. No touchy! I think annoyed as I hear their comments.
     "How are you a hero? You look close to (L/n)'s age." One of my classmates says and he grins.
     "That's because I am. I'm just a year older than her!" Keigo states and I chuckle quietly. "I'm a hero under the government. I was trained specifically to only help people and be a hero." Keigo states and the class listens intently.
     "Get into your costumes. You're gonna be sparring against him." Teach says and pushes the button to make our costumes come out of the wall.
     "Come on, (Y/n)! Let's go change." Nemuri says as she pushes my case to my chest before running out the door dragging me.
    We make it after a few short minutes and start to change.
     "You seem happy." I say to her and she grins.
     "I'm excited to see what'll happen during training." She replies as she pulls up her costume.
     "Why? Gonna try and impress Hawks?" I joke with her and she groans.
     "Bestie code. I won't touch your man." She says as I tie my boots and stand up while I grab my sky goggles.
     "Thanks Nemuri. You're the best." I say as we walk out of the locker room and I get faced with a few glares from the other girls in my class.
    "Don't be jealous because this hottie got a hot hero boyfriend and you didn't. Leave her alone." Nemuri states before she walks away with me behind her.
     We get to the training room and immediately Keigo comes up to me.
     "Are you okay? They didn't hurt you right? I'm sorry I told them so they'd leave me alone. I wasn't thinking." He says as he looks me over to check on me.
     "Thankfully, glares can't kill. I'm fine K-Hawks. Don't worry." I smile at him and he sighs in relief before he quickly hugs me.
     "Okay. Go sit down the class will start in a minute." He gives me a quick kiss on the forehead, making my wings turn a bright blue, before walking over to the mat.
"He's so cute with you." Nemuri says as we sit down and I chuckle a little.
"Yeah. He's very sweet. But a huge dork when you get to know him." I say with a smile and blush when his feather tickles me. "Don't get cocky because I complimented you." I say to the feather and hear Keigo laugh on the mat.
     "Alright. Who wants to go first?" Keigo says and immediately half the girls in our class raise their hands.
     "I would like to volunteer to go first." A monotone voice says and I turn to look at Shota curiously as he walks towards the mat.
     "Alright then. Come on up." Keigo says with a smirk and I hear Shota give a small scoff as our other classmates whine that they weren't picked.

~No Ones POV~

     "I'll count down." Teacher says from the side and both males nod. "3...2...1!" Teach calls out.
      Keigo quickly flys upward, scattering feathers around the field to sense future movements and attacks. "If you can't see my eyes then you can't erase my quirk." {Error on my end, Aizawa can erase quirks even if the person isn't looking at them} Keigo says with a smirk and Shota looks a little taken aback.
     Shota tchs before he looks around and noticed the feathers. "I'll take out your senses first." He claims while quickly wrapping the feathers in his weapon before they can move away.
     "Smart. But still not enough to beat me." Keigo says before he swoops down and starts to attack Shota as feathers float around them.
     "Why are you even with her? You don't deserve her. She deserves someone who's better than you. You're just an a guy who flirts too much and will leave after he doesn't think it's working." Shota says with a glare as Keigo dodges a punch.
Keigo opens his golden eyes at this statement and Shota waste no time to erase his quirk as he lands a hard punch across Keigo's cheek.
"Ouch. Nice hit." Keigo says as he touches his jaw as his red wings lay limp against the ground.
"I feel better now." Shota says with a smirk as Keigo rushes at him arms ready for a punch.

~(Y/n) POV~

They both grunt at they land hits as the battle goes on. One hits the other. And the other does the same the next time. And it repeated until both were too tired to fight.
     "It's a draw." Teach says as he looks at the two tired males as they weakly stand.
     "Fine." They both sigh out and I breathe a sigh of relief.
     "Since you both took quite a beating, I don't think Hawks can fight anyone else. Find a partner and spar. Hawks, Aizawa, go to the nurse's office and get healed up." Teacher says and they nod while they step away from the trading field.
     "Are you two okay?" I ask worriedly as I walk towards them.
     "I'm fine. Thank you, (Y/n)." Shota says with a small smile and I nod.
     "He definitely knows how to do a good battle. He is friends with you so I guess he needs to be strong to put up with you." Keigo states with a grin and I playfully scoff before punching his shoulder gently.
     "Har har. Now go get fixed up you idiots." I say with my hands on my hips before walking over to Nemuri and Hizashi.
     "I guess we're a group of three until Shota comes back." Nemuri states and I nod and fluff my wings a little.
     "Alright! Two against one?" I ask with a grin and they smirk.
      "Hell yeah." They reply with grins on their faces.
     Let's just say, ear were bleeding and we nearly got detention for disturbing our class and almost causing a fire hazard because Nemuri's gas nearly blew up my fire.

Strawberry Pocky ♡Keigo Takami {Hawks} x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now