10-Meeting Again!

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~(Y/n) POV~

     "These doors are still so d*** big. Why are they even this big?" I ask myself as I stand in front of the door I was told holds Shota's class. I shake my head before I open the door and step in, getting many stares from confused students.
     "Shota Aizawa, Eraserhead?" I ask and they slowly point towards something on the ground at the front of the class. "He still has that old sleeping bag?" I ask I make my way over to it.
     "Who is that?"
     "Why does she know Aizawa-Sensei's alias and real name?"
     "Who cares?? She's hot!"
     "Where have I seen her from?"
     I roll my (e/c) eyes lightly as I kneel down in front of the sleeping man. "Hey. Shota. Wake up. You can't seriously still be this lazy." I say as I poke his forehead and he grumbles tiredly before he rolls over.
     I sigh before plucking a feather and putting it under his nose and making it smoke.
     "Miss! Please don't do that! He could suffer from smoke inhalation!" A kid with blue hair and glasses states as he abuses the air by chopping it.
     "You look like Ingenium. I met him once. He was a cool guy." I state as my hand gets grabbed and I smile innocently at the sour look I'm getting from my friend.
     "Couldn't you have woken me up some other way, (Y/n)?" Shota asks tiredly as he gets out of his sleeping bag as the bell rings.
     "Not my fault I know a few tricks to wake you up. I remember you would always fall asleep in class if Hizashi kept you up too-"
     "ARE THEY TELLING THE-(Y/N)!" Hizashi yells as he comes dashing through the door and then runs at me and envelops me into a tight hug and I laugh at him.
     "ZASHI! Woah! You have a mustache!" I state with a smile and small laugh as I observe how he's changed over the years.
     "Thanks! Where the hell have you been!? We were worried sick! What happened-"
     "(Y/N)!" Me and Nemuri go back and forth as we race at each other for a tight hug.
     "Oh my gosh girl! You're still hot as you were the last time I saw you!" Nemuri blabbers to next and I laugh lightly before I look away from her. "What's wrong?" She asks and I clear my throat.
     "Y-your um...costume. It's...different...from your old one. It makes you look like an R-Rated." I state as I try not to look at it.
     "Pfft. Yeah, that's because I am one." Nemuri states and I look at her a little shocked.
     "You became an R-Rated hero? How am I not surprised?" I ask and she laughs at my statement.
     "CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHO THIS FEATHERED SHORTIE IS!? AND HOW THE HELL DO THE THREE OF YOU KNOW HER!?" A kid with ash blond hair, and anger issues, says as he stands beside his desk as he glares at us while pointing.
     "I finally realized where I recognize her from! She was the sidekick who helped Hawks with his debut five years ago yesterday!" A boy with cute freckles and floofy green hair says with excitement.
     "I was not his sidekick! We were hero partners!" I state with a small glare and they sweat drop.
     "That's kinda what a sidekick is, lady." A boy with blonde hair and a tail (?) states and I sigh.
     "Fine. I was Hawk's...sidekick." I state with clear annoyance and earn a laugh from Hizashi. "Can it, human cockatoo." I state and he sighs.
      "Still snappy I see." He states and I roll my eyes.
     "Don't you have a class to teach?" I ask him and his eyes widen before he quickly dashed towards the door.
     "MR. YAMADA! IT IS NOT GOOD TO RUN IN THE HALLS!" Ingenium Jr. states as he stands from his chair.
     "I guess I gotta go too. Promise me you'll stay for lunch we HAVE to catch up." Nemuri says and I nod my head.
     "I promise Uri." I say and she hugs me one more time before she walks out there door.
     "Isn't she the girl in the picture Aizawa has on his desk?" A girl with pink skin, hair, yellow horns, and yellow eyes says as he looks at me with a head tilt.
     "Ashido, don't-"
     "This one!" The girl says as she quickly grabs a framed picture from the desk at the back {pretend it's there} and quickly showing it to me when she runs over.
     It's our group photo Keigo took for us at our graduation. Hizashi giving Shota bunny ears while Nemuri sits on my back and points out as I have my wings spread wide.
     "I remember this. Graduation day." I say with a smile as I admire the photo.
    "Give." Shota says as he grabs the picture from me. "Go change into your gym uniforms. You're going to be fighting (Y/n). You up for it?" Shota asks and I grin.
     "I might be rusty but I sure a heck will be glad to help." I say and he nods.
     "Yaoyorozu, can you make (Y/n) a gym uniform?" Shota asks as he turns towards a girl leaving.
     "Of course. Follow me, Miss (Y/n)." The black haired girl says with a smile and I nod as I follow after her.

Strawberry Pocky ♡Keigo Takami {Hawks} x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now