Chapter Eight. The aftermath.

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Tom woke up in the big bed, it wasn't his own but it wasn't bad either. The small tour had been so great he could not believe he was not dreaming, and that that night they would play in their hometown for the last show. His parents were excited; somehow he was starting to think he wanted nothing else but to do this for the rest of his life. They had appeared on some shows and been interviewed and everything felt so surreal but he could not be happier.

"Oh, my boys!"

The twin's mother gave her two kids a hug and a kiss as soon as they got out of the stage. Behind her, the boy's stepfather was waiting his turn to congratulate the boys that had made him so proud so soon.

Georg and Gustav were equally received by their families, after some tight hugs they got together and talked about some things that had happened during the show that couldn't be discussed on stage, then, a grown woman approached with a younger girl next to her. This woman was Jo's mother and she congratulated them first, before going to find the proud parents to chat with them as Josefine stood in front of the busy boys she had not had a chance to see for the past few weeks.

"Oh, I've missed just how annoying you are!"

Gustav was the first one to hug the girl, jumping from his seat and pulling her up from the ground just a bit, knowing he had missed their little fights in which she always ended up getting carried somewhere or making him play some stupid girly hand clap game with her.

"Gustav, you're so sweaty!" Josefine complained loudly but returned the hug, not entirely sure how to feel about the wet spot he had left on the front of her shirt.

"That's what she said." Tom said with a grin.

"Jo, how did you find the show?" Bill quickly stole her away from Gustav. "Did you like it? You never told us what you thought of the album..."

"Bill, calm down." Jo put her hands on Bill's shoulders and he really looked at her in a while. "It's amazing. I love it, and the show was even better."

"Jo..." Bill was taken aback, she was staring him right in the eye and he felt so happy but she had changed. There was something different and he noticed it. "You're so kind." He knew it had been a while since the last time he had seen her and decided he was wrong, it must have been the eye liner she was wearing. "This suits you so well!"

"What?" He pointed to her eyes and she remembered about the eye liner she had forced herself to put on for the concert. "Thank you." She gave Bill a hug.

"No hug for me?" Georg opened his arms from his seat on a couch and after letting go of the slim vocalist she threw her arms around him.

"There is always a hug for each and every one of you!" Like that Bill threw himself on top of her and made Georg feel crushed. "Bill, I already gave you the one hug."

"One more?" Bill asked with a bright smile on his face.

"I don't mean to interrupt you kids, but Thong girl here and I need to catch up."

Jo blushed immediately and felt her stomach sink to her feet at the mention of the ridiculous nickname she was given.

"I told you not to call me that!"

"Why is he calling you 'Thong girl'?" Bill looked at Georg; his friend was torn between confusion and jealousy.

"A gentleman never tells." Tom said solemnly with his hands inside his large jeans' pockets.

"You twat!" Josefine got up so fast as she could and launched herself on his back, trying to make him clear things out. "Don't you "gentlemen never tell" me! Tom, there is nothing to tell!"

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