Chapter Eighteen. For you I will shamefully lust.

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I walked into the comfort of my own living room with Bill behind me; we went further into my bedroom and left the suitcases on the floor by the closet. After that, I checked the fridge, it was almost empty so I made a small note on my phone to buy the missing stuff. Bill and I went outside again and headed to the store, buying everything necessary, each one of us pushing a cart with a different variety of products. For instance there was whole wheat bread and black tea on mine and things like pop tarts and soy milk on his.

"You two are so nutritious." I told Bill as I paid my stuff and he started putting his things on the counter.

"We gotta stay healthy." He said.

After going back to my place I told Bill to go home, he did and I stepped into the shower before receiving a call from Allison.
Our boss, who we rarely ever met, had called her. Apparently I had been booked for some big photo shoot for an artist whose name Allison never mentioned but she did say that her regular makeup artist had reported sick that morning, which left an opening for me to take, and it was settled, I was doing it.

I got changed and texted mom and dad that I was home safe and then texted Matt. It felt so weird, he was in NY all the way across the country and I still talked to him more than I did to Tom. So I decided I'd go fix things with him the next day.

But the next day was awful busy for me, I woke up in time and got ready quickly, I had my black tea with me and my big makeup suitcase on the boot of my car, but when I arrived at the place of the photo shoot I couldn't believe it, we were at a very fancy studio. I laid everything in place after greeting the photographer and the art director and then I just waited, the artist in question was none other than the enigmatic Lady Gaga. I thought I would cry. She was small next to me, I said hi to her and saw her hairdresser start fixing her hair for a wig to go over her head and went to do my thing.

"What's your name, Darling?" She asked me as I applied the foundation with a brush.

"Josefine. You may call me Jo." I replied; she stared at me for a second.

"Josefine or Josefina?" She gave a strong Spanish 'J' on the second one, which made me smile.

"I'm Spanish so it would be Josefina." I confessed. The hairdresser went away to work on the wigs next to the art director.

"I like Spanish names!" She kept talking to me about it; she even managed to talk to me in fluent Spanish for the next twenty minutes.

I was surprised at how much makeup changed her appearance, though when the wig was on she looked fantastic.

As I finished and the singer thanked all of us before leaving I started picking up my stuff, it had been a long day and I still had to go to the salon to do some bridesmaids' makeup. So I answered Matt's call on my way to the salon.

The women waiting were all biting their nails as I stepped into the big shop.

"Sorry! Where's the bride?"

I shouldn't have asked, the bride was having a mental breakdown because I was ten minutes late. For God's sake, I wasn't even that late and she was already crying...

The bride was the first on my chair as my boss and Allison did the bridesmaids' hairdos. I tried to calm the woman down but she was very nervous and stressed which made me seriously consider not getting married ever, though my family's situation had made me think about that for a long time.

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