In Sword Art Online

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March 6th, 2024, Lisbeth's Smith Shop on Floor 48

"Hyaaah! Gah! Fuyaaah!"

Lisbeth watches from the window of her shop and home as a swordsman outside practices with his newly forged sword underneath the rising sun. A red blade with the edges colored black, matching the clothes he wears that gives him his designation as the Crimson Warrior. For now, he has ditched the slightly armored red tunic and chainmail, wearing only his black shirt and pants He will wield the blade alongside its sister shield, a perfect blend of offense and defense.

 For now, he has ditched the slightly armored red tunic and chainmail, wearing only his black shirt and pants He will wield the blade alongside its sister shield, a perfect blend of offense and defense

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(Basically envision Link but with black clothes and boots underneath the tunic for the armor)

She has known him since December 2022, in which he was one of the many clearers quickly advancing up the first few floors. Back then, he had a female partner, and the two of them saved Lisbeth from a mob and assisted her on her personal quest while at the same time fulfilling the story questline with the elves.

Fast forward a year and a little more than two complete months, he has changed. A few weeks ago, his partner died at the hands of a PKer and a dangerous bleeding effect. He blamed himself, but Lisbeth also blamed herself. Had she not asked him to help her gather materials for her developing store, he could have been with their friend and saved her. He mostly stayed away from the frontlines the last month, keeping himself busy by helping her finish her shop. She felt guilty at first, but he insisted it is better to help than to be in her residence doing absolutely nothing but be a nuisance. Today, she opens her doors and he returns to the front.

She finds herself outside, standing a few steps away as he sheathes his sword and gazes at the sunrise. He hasn't noticed her or acknowledged his presence, and it is just the two of them. She regards him as a dear friend, someone she owes more than she can ever repay, and she doesn't want him to go unless he's ready. "Jaymes, are you sure you ready to go?"

"I have to," he says softly. "I fulfill a promise I made to Koharu. To clear the game and make sure that everyone she cared about returns to the real world." He turns around, his brown eyes meeting her own. They hold his pain, but behind them is his determination. "Besides, I am being personally requested to return by two friends of mine. I've known them way too long to just ignore them. They're having trouble on the 56th Floor, and it is unlike them to...have such a hard time."

Lisbeth nods, understanding why Jaymes must go. Slowly she steps up and throws her arms around the tall boy, barely able to place her head on his shoulder. "Jaymes, promise me you won't be a hero. And come back...home to me."

"Home? But this is your place, I couldn't-"

"You helped build it. So until you fulfill Koharu's wish, this is your home as much as it is mine. If I know Koharu, she wants someone to take care of you. I owe her that." She steps back, holding up her right pinky. "Swear it."

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