Kotlc Reacts to... Me!!!

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(A/N I can't tell if my other parts are connected to this, so if you know how to help please comment about it. Or just tell me if it is connected. Or if it's not. As soon as I figure this out I will delete this note)

*keeper crew appears in a bright white room with high ceilings and they all look confused*

Sophie: Did the Neverseen get us? Again?!?!?!

Keefe: I call dibs on my mom!

Fitz: And only I get to attack Alvar!

*Tall long haired blonde appears floating over their heads*

Keeper crew: AAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Tam: *bored* Did they get a new one?

Blonde: Nope! I hate them as much as you guys do!

Dex: Well, then who are you?

Linh: Yeah!

Blonde: Uhh... The author?

Fitz: Of what?

Blonde: Erm... Nevermind...

Keefe: Name?

Blonde: Oh! I'm Jazzy!

Sophie: Like the music, dance ,or hands?

Jazzy: *grumbles* You have no idea how often I get that.

Fitz: Is it just me, or are you floating?

Jazzy: *snorts* Pfffttt... You've done it, Mr. Chandelier. Remember. Exillium?

Fitz: *blushes. Biana and Sophie snicker*

Dex: Also... Where are we?

Jazzy: Ah, the resident cinnamon roll...We're in the React Room!

Everyone: ......

Jazzy: Y'know, where writers torture innocent book characters by making them react to stuff?

Everyone: *blank stares*

Jazzy: *mumbles* You'd think they would remember it, but...All the better for me!

Keefe: *subtly steps in front of Sophie*

Jazzy: *pretends not to make squealy noises and fails*

Jazzy: I bring you in every day and have you react to stuff!

Keefe: What if we don't want to?

Jazzy: *strokes chin and pretends to think* Wweeeellllll.... I'm pranking friends with Ro... And I also know all your secrets... *smiles sweetly*

Keefe: Prove it.

Jazzy: *sighs and snaps fingers*

Ro: *appears* We're Best Friends! *whispers to Keefe* And she knows your little secret... *Keefe turns very pale*

Jazzy: *snaps fingers and Ro disappears* 

Jazzy: So say bye unless you want me to tell....

Most of the crew: BBBYYEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! *promptly disappear* 

Tam: I want to humiliate him though...

Linh: Nope!

Tam: Fine... Bye..

Linh: Bye!

Jazzy: See you all tommorow!

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