Kotlc reacts to... Mirrors!

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* keeper crew appears in react room wich is now covered in mirrors and spherical*

Keefe: Why is Jazzy having us react to mirrors? We already have experience with those?

Jazzy: Some of you have more experience than others *cough* Keefe and Biana *cough*

Keefe: Hey! You don't have to style the hair!

Jazzy: Have you had to deal with long hair!!!

Biana: Beauty is pain.

Jazzy: You wouldn't believe all the tangles that come with it!

Keefe: Foster could though.

Sophie: He's not wrong.

Jazzy: Anyway, only a few of you have had experience with this type.

Dex: There are different types?

Jazzy: Yup. First to guess what is different gets a surprise!

Tam: I'm not sure that I want a surprise...

Jazzy: Yes you do!

Tam: Hmm... These reflect the wrong way!

Jazzy: Congrats! You get your suprise!

Keefe: WooWoo!!!

Tam: *scared now* No....I ...Surprise...Please no!

Jazzy: *snaps fingers and large bucket of popcorn appears* Nope!

Biana: What's his surprise?

Jazzy: Since your so concerned, you get to share it!

Biana: Oh no?

Jazzy: *claps hands* Isolation chamber!

Biana and Tam: No!

Jazzy: Yup! *Tam and Biana disappear*

Linh: OTP!!!

Jazzy: While all the confessions and smoochies are going on in the other room, let's react!

(A\N I'm lazy and don't want to write the Tiana scene. Sue me)

Sophie: These seem extremely normal.

Jazzy: Well, duh! They're human!

Sophie: ...

Dex: Quick question. Are you human?

Linh: And he's not trying to be mean either.

Dex: *smiles gratefully and holds her stare for a little long*

Jazzy: *coughs*  Well I'm a half-blood. Half elf,  half human. And, as cute as that was, I ship Wylinh and Marellex so don't go all Dinh on me.

Dex: Wait, MARELLEX!?!?!? I don't even like her!

Jazzy: Mhhmmm... No one believes you, cinnamon.

Dex: And why do you keep calling me cinnamon bun! 

Jazzy: Er...Fandom reference.

Sophie: And why does this fandom call him a cinnamon bun?

Jazzy: No idea. It just seems to fit.

Fitz: Do... I have a nickname?

Jazzy: *smirks* Yup! Your a chandelier.

Fitz: *turns pale* Say what?

Jazzy: You hear me. Also, Tam is salt, Keefe is a visco girl, Sophie is Pockets, Linh is an alicorn, Biana is sparkles, and I am... Not mentioned!

Linh: That's just sad.

Fitz: Also can you bring my sister and Tam out of the isolation chamber?

Jazzy: *evil grin* In just a second.

*wall clears like glass and shows Tam leaning in to hug Biana*

Jazzy: *whispers* They can't see or hear us. *whistles and wall opens. Tam and Biana notice crew* 

Tam and Biana: *blush and stammer and look at each other*

Jazzy and Linh: OTP!!!!

Keefe: Can we be done?

Jazzy: Yup!


Jazzy: *looks at you* Hey readers, I'm having a hard time right now. I GOT TAGGED AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO!!! *calms down* Also with react ideas. It would be really helpful if you commented to help my STRUGGLING brain. Thanks! Buh-Bye! *disappears in a swirl of moonlight*

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