Kotlc (officially) reacts to... Mylee!

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A\N When Mylee appears she is writing the story so don't blame me if Fitz dies. Also, I'm posting this part before it's done, BECAUSE me and Mylee have SEVERE writers block right now. Plz comment your ideas! 

*keeper crew appears in React Room*

Fitz: I don't know if I can survive these reacts anymore...

Jazzy: Pshaw! You thought those were bad?!?! Get ready to meet your worst nightmare!

Sophie: The Neverseen?

Biana: Tam getting together with Marella?

Keefe: Sophie dying after getting matched to Fitz?

Sophie: ....

Linh: Butterflies going extinct?

Tam: Getting locked in a room with butterflies and Keefe?


Fitz: MyLeE!!!!!!!!!!

Jazzy: BINGO!!! Today you'll be reacting to my murderous friend Mylee, (A\N Who as of right now is reading this over my shoulder) Who is fangirls of all of you except for Keefe!

Keefe: ...

Jazzy: Just kidding! She adores Keefe and Sophie\Sokeefe, But absolutely hates....

Fitz: *crawling into corner of React Room* Me...

Jazzy: Yup! Now who wants to volunteer to protect Fitz from Mylee?


Jazzy: We need to get the pest squad on those crickets... Well, that's what I expected! Fitz prepare to die!!!

Fitz: *does the catholic cross and starts praying*

*Mylee appears in a cloud of purple sparkles walks over to Fitz in the corner and kicks him*

(A\N Get ready for the Pretty Boy bashing)

*keeper crew claps*

Jazzy: *looks mystified* I thought at least BIANA would get mad! *realization dawns* Ohhhh.... She's a Mesmer. 

Mylee: I am, but I'm not dong this. They naturally hate him.

Jazzy: Uh-huh.

Mylee: *looks guilty* So maybe I'm doing a little bit, but I'm basing it off their true feels!

Keefe: *comes to his senses* Um, and are you an Empath?

Mylee: Erm....

(A\N Now that I'm thinking about it I should probably change the name to Torture Fitz chapter XD)

42 Reads!!! Thanks so much guys! Please comment ideas!

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