Kotlc reacts to.... Scooters!

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(A\N These are really hard to stay focused on!)

*keeper crew appears with loud snap in the React Room*

Keefe: I hope she doesn't come!

Dex: I did some research on reacts, she IS coming. Just wait for her to appear.

Jazzy: *Appears floating on a rain cloud* Yes Cinnamon!

Keefe: *squeals*

Linh: Are you a Hydrokinetic?

Jazzy: *visibly suprised* Wow...No one notices that usually... They all think it's 'Magic'...

Tam: Why? We live in a world where everything seems like magic.

Everyone: *looks at Tam weirdly*

Linh: Who are you and what have you done with my brother?

Keefe: Yeah. That was *shudders* Cheery...

Tam: *blushes and stammers*

Jazzy: Well, to answer Tam's question, however out of character it was, the answer is Saph.

Biana: What did she do?

Jazzy: Two words. Bam Socker.

Biana and Tam: *blushes*

Jazzy: *leans over to Keefe, Sophie, and Fitz* *stage whispers* Which I totally ship.

Jazzy: I totally forgot! We're supposed to be reacting!

Fitz: *fearfully* What are we reacting to?!?!?

Jazzy: Oh relax, scaredy pants. If I brought my friend Mylee you'd be dead. In. 5. Seconds.

Fitz: *trembles*

Keefe: Wait... You have friends?

Jazzy: Yes, I do. I know I'm slightly not sane, but really, are you?

Keefe: Nope! And proud of it!

Jazzy and Keefe: *high five*

Jazzy: Now react to... Scooters! *snaps fingers and scooters appear in middle of the room*

Dex: Hmm... What are those? *starts muttering weird nonsense*

Jazzy and Sophie: Scooters!

Linh: *leans over to Tam* Did you notice how they look like twins?

Everyone besides Sophie: Yup.

Sophie: *tries to get one scooter and falls into Keefe's arms*

Sophie and Keefe: *blush*

Jazzy: Aw, is it the make Foster blush game?

Sophie: *blushes* Aw, dang it!

*loud crash*

Everyone: *looks at Dex in the back, who's been working on making a super scooter*

Dex: What?

Everyone: *looks at the super scooter*

Dex: I was bored. (A\N Ro|Legacy reference)

Biana: Mine needs a lot of glitteriffying. *proceeds to glitterfy it*

*Tam and Keefe 'accidentally' ram into each other*

Linh: I can never get this right!

Tam: I'll help you. * Tam walks over to Linh and helps her ride it*

Biana: AAAWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Tam: *blushes*

Jazzy: *whispers*Bam Socker

Fitz: Fine...I'll try it.

*falls and scrapes knees. Every. Single. Time*

Fitz: Ow...

Jazzy: *giggles*

Sophie: Why are you giggling?

Tam: And are you sane?

Jazzy: Um...No, I'm giggling about how much I'm letting Mylee influence me. *pointedly looks at Fitz who's scraped up and on the floor*

Jazzy:This is her dream come true.

Fitz: Why does she want to kill me?

Jazzy: Same reason Ro wants to.

Fitz: WAIT WHAT!!!!

Keefe: Your dead man.

Jazzy: If you don't say bye then I'll have to summon Ro...

Fitz: NNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Dex: Don't you mean bye?

Fitz: BBBBYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *disappears in a shower of glitter*

Everyone: Bye!

Jazzy: Maybe I should stop threatening them...

Ro: That's no fun!

Jazzy: True... 


Ro: *waves both hands* Magic.... *disappears into a whole lot of sparkles*

Jazzy: *clutching her head and curling into a ball* I don't know if I can take any more of this...

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