Kotlc reacts to.... Human Food|Part One

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*keeper crew appears at a driveway on scooters*

Linh: Didn't we already react to these?

Keefe: *leans over to Dex and whispers* 

Dex: *nods to Keefe, looking happy*

Jazzy: *appears in between Keefe and Dex in listening pose* Hi! Didja miss me?

Dex: I was sure you weren't going to appear that fast! *curses* Here are your ten lusters Keefe. That teaches me to bet with Keefe.

Keefe: Woah, watch your language Dexy! I knew she would hear and, *runs hand through hair* I'm her favourite person here. So... 

Biana: And Sophie!

Jazzy: You guys are equal in status, because of Sophie's oblivious-ness.

Sophie: I'm not oblivious!!!

Jazzy: *gives her a look* ANYWAY, to answer Linh's question, YES you already reacted to those, but we need them to get where the react is. And apparently you guys are scared of cars, and don't know how to ride bikes, so... And you have experience with these also!

Fitz: NnNnOoOoOoOoOoO!!!!!

Tam: *mockingly* YyYyYEeEeEeEeEsSsSsSsS!!!!!!! 

Biana: Hey! Be nice! (A\N that's a great song, btw)

Jazzy: So everyone get on!

*everyone proceeds to do so with varying degrees of success*

Fitz: I hate these things!!!!!

Jazzy: Iḿ sure you do, but a thing you might hate more, is we're at my house...

Sophie: I'm confused. Why would he hate being at your house more than scooters?

Jazzy: *whispers* Because Mylee's my neighbor.

Sophie: Oh.

Fitz: NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *curls into a sobbing ball*

Jazzy: *calmly* Dex, please make your super scooter and share with Fitz?

Dex: Fine...

*dex gets fitz comfy on the super-scooter*

Jazzy: Kay, is everyone ready?

Everyone besides Fitz: Yup!

Jazzy: Ready, Set, SCOOTER!!!

*everyone scooters like a maniac on the road*

Keefe: I'm FaStEr ThAn YoU, bAnGs BoY!!!!!

*Keefe looks behind and gets run over by a car*


Linh, Biana, Dex: *sniffle*

Tam: Serves him right for insulting the Bangs.

Fitz: *still unconscious*

Jazzy: *claps*

Sophie: YoU mOnStEr!!! hE dIeD!!!

Keefe: Um... I was going to say...

Jazzy: BeSt PrAnK eVeR!!! *laughs and clutches stomach*

Everyone: How?

Jazzy: *pulls remote out of thin air* Well, let's see.

*giant TV screen appears out of thin air*

Jazzy: Keefe, prepare for Sophie and fangirls to kill you, K?

Keefe: Wait, Fangirls?

Jazzy: *whispers* Just roll with it.

*TV shows  Keefe scootering. He glances to left and see's a car. He smirks and pulls a blue crystal out of pocket. Just before Car get's to him, he raises it to the light and appears behind Keeper Crew, and watches the proceedings. Film stops and Everyone looks at keefe with murder in their eyes besides Jazzy*

Tam: Why did you do that! I thought we were finally rid of you!

Sophie: I thought you died!

Keefe: Well... I didn't?

Jazzy: *yanks Sophie and Keefe's arms and drags them* Well lovebirds, scootering is obviously not working so you get to walk!

Linh: Yay!

Jazzy: Except for you Dex. 

Dex: Ok...

*everyone walks on sidewalk and reach a tree with really long branches*

Keefe and Tam: AHH! My Hair!

Sophie: *gets smacked in the face with leaves and falls down*

Sophie: WHY!!!

Biana: Hey Jazzy?

Jazzy: *sweetly* Yes, Biana?

Biana: If you have ¨magic¨  (@SilverBeams Here is some Saph reference) why didn't you magic us to the react place?

Jazzy: *facepalms* Because I'm an idiot, that's why. *stomps feet and everyone appears in front of table and sign at Jason Lee (school)*

Linh: Why does the sign say 'Social Distancing'? 

Jazzy: Humans are having a pandemic, and social distancing is where you are six feet away too help stop germs from spreading. *curses at Covid19*

Keefe: That sucks.

Jazzy: Yup. And everyone is quarantined. 

A\N I'm going to have a part two, I promise! Also how are you guys doing in Quarantine?

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