Kotlc reacts to... Human Food| Part Two

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Short lady with rainbow mask: How many lunches would you like?

*keeper crew gets into fighting stances*

Jazzy: Um, why?

Biana: She's with the Neverseen, duh.

Jazzy: Why do you guys think that?

Dex: She has a mask?

Jazzy: *facepalms* It's to help keep germs out of her breathing system.

Everyone: ...

Jazzy: Relax. You guys look like wierdo's.

Everyone: *hastily tries to act normal. Keefe whistles, puts hands behind back, and looks up at the sky*

Rainbow mask lady: How many lunches?

Jazzy: *quickly counts Keeper crew* Uh, eight please. And what's your name?

Rainbow mask lady: I'm Mellie. ( A\N Real person, guys) *whispers to Jazzy* Do you need it for your react?

Jazzy: Yeah. It was tiring calling you Rainbow Mask Lady.

Mellie: Well, have fun. And here are your lunches!

*mountain of lunch bags buries Jazzy*

Jazzy: oomph...thanks... ugh. *climbs out from under the mountain* Ur, thank you Mellie!

Mellie: Your welcome! * looks over Keeper Crew's shoulders* How may for you?

Dex: Hey! Fitz woke up!

Fitz: *mumbles*

Jazzy: *cackles* Well, he has a nice surprise coming for him....

Mellie: Excuse Me!

*Everyone looks at her*

Mellie: Not you, her!

*Everyone looks behind and see's a redhead*

Mystery Redhead: Oh, hey Jazzy! Uh, four please! *turns to Jazzy* So, how are you doing? And *whispers* Who are they?

Jazzy: Nice to see you Mylee! Pretty good! Um, and I can't tell you, cause this isn't your chapter yet. (A\N: Everything I say about her is true, she is a legit real person. And that's her real name too.)

Mylee: Ok... *turns to crew* I'm going to figure out who you guys are...

Fitz: Mhmuhm *slowly opens eyes* Who... Is... She?

Tam: Her name is? *turns to Mylee* Um, Mylee.

Fitz: AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *collapses*

Mylee: Um, what just happened?

Sophie: Well, he's been hearing about how you want to kill him this whole react... So, that might have something to do with it.

Mylee: And.. Who is he?

Sophie: Fitz Vacker?

Mylee: *extreme excitement on her face* YeS i JuSt MaDe FiTz ColLaPsE!!!!!!!!!! *turns to Dex* Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do that?

Dex: As long as I have called him Wonderboy?

Mylee: Yup!

Tam: Wow... 

Dex: So... Like forever?

Jazzy: Yup! And now Mylee, I think Micah, Josiah, And Jewel are gonna go crazy if you don't get their lunch for them! *pushes Mylee towards her bike* Bye!

Mylee: Gets on bike and pedals towards Jazzy's house's *

Biana: Why did she have to leave so fast?

Jazzy: She ran out of page time. This is supposed to be a cameo, not her react.

Keefe: *stares at his lunch* Um, can we eat these?

Fitz: Yup! *holding a halfway eaten cheeseburger, with half in his mouth* This is really good! I really like the dark brown part!

Jazzy: *snorts, bends over and covers mouth with hands* That... Is... A... CHEESEBURGER!!!! *bursts out laughing* 

Sophie: Uh, Fitz?

Fitz: *tearing through his cheeseburger, with only a thumbnail sized piece left* What?


Fitz: *finishes putting the rest in his mouth* Whats beef?

Jazzy: COW!!!! *laughs so hard she falls over*

Fitz: *stops chewing and looks sick* WhAt!!!!!

Biana: *turns pale* You just killed a poor, sweet, cow, Fitz.

Linh: YoU mUrDeReR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs at Fitz with a bell pepper in her hand* 

Keefe: Oooohhh, good idea! FOOD WAR!!!!!! *grabs two dry zucchinis and runs toward Fitz*

Dex and Sophie: Meh. *Sophie grabs her bell peppers and Dex takes his patty and shoves it in Fitz's mouth*

Tam: ...

Biana: *grabs Tam by his arm, and drags him to a picnic table. Bursts of color show behind them as the food fight goes on* Let's just eat together. *blushes*

Tam: *blushes* Sure! *they both sit and start eating a pear*

Jazzy: *notices and whispers* OoOoHhhh..... Bam socker *climbs into nearby tree to spy on them*

Biana: *looks at her pear* Hey, these aren't too bad!

Tam: Yeah... *dreamy eyed and stares at Biana*

Biana: *Stares dreamily at Tam*

Jazzy: *looking through binoculars while in the tree. whispers* Kiss, kiss, kiss.

Biana: *sweet little sigh*

Jazzy: *whispers* Why aren't they kissing?

Tam: *stares at Biana*

Jazzy: Do you think they know how to kiss?

Tam and Biana: *lean closer to each other with eyes closed*

Jazzy: Yes!

Linh: *whispers* Their so cute together!

Jazzy: Yeah! Wait what?

Linh: Oh, we got bored, and Keefe's about to dump chocolate milk on Tam.

Jazzy: WaIt WhAt!!!!!

*Keefe creeps behind Tam as he leans int o kiss Biana, and pours all the chocolate milk on tam's head*

Jazzy: NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Tam: *fumes, but looks at Biana and stops*

Jazzy: *yelling now, everyone can hear her* NNNOOO!!!! HE INTERRUPTED A BAM SOCKER MOMENT!!!!!!

Tam and Biana: *blushes*

Jazzy: *wipes tears from eyes* I'm so sad you guys get to leave early. *cries softly and snaps fingers*

Everyone: Bye- *disappears*

Jazzy: *sobs* How are they so oblivious?!?!? *wails*

Lunch Lady: Are you ok?

Jazzy: No... I'm not. Well, bye I guess. *disappears*

A\N Hey guys! I hope you liked this one! Please give me ideas for my next react! Have a good time in Quarantine!

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