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So I'm not totally sure how to do this, but here goes.

(this is the tag because I don't know how to take pictures of something on my chromebook)

1. Who's your favourite Kotlc character?

Keefe or Sophie. 

2. If you could date one of them, who would it be?

Keefe. Easily.

3. Kiss, marry, kill: Dex, Marella, Tam.

Kiss Dex, Kill Marella, Marry Tam. (He's very much like Keefe)

4. When did you start reading the series?

When I was eleven. Before Legacy came out.

5. What character do you relate most to?

Sophie. Which she's the main character, but we are super similar.

6. What is an unpopular opinion you have?

Well, a unpopular opinion I had was, I was a Fitzphie shipper. Thank goodness that's over.

7. What's your favourite book in the series?

Either Neveseen, Lodestar, or Legacy.

8. What plot twist would you through in?

That Keefe or Sophie have a identical twin.

9. What abilities would you want to have?

Hydrokinetic, Guster, and Charger. In that order.

10. What are your OTP's?

Sokeefe, Tiana, Wylinh, and Marellex.

So  now I'm going to tag a random amount of people. (If you want the picture look at @SilverBeams kotlc oneshots page.







And that's all!

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