15 ⇢ meet me

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"why isn't the prince alone," said byulmang with a smirk, "officially a pirate i heard."

jimin didn't feel hungry anymore.

"why don't you and i take a walk," he said and got up.

"and if i dont?" jimin said bravely making byulmang upset.

"then i'll drag you out myself," he replied. jimin obeyed and got up.

jinyoung watched with worry once they exited.


"tonight you are to meet me in front of my cabin," threatened byulmang, "and if you don't i will drag you there. so take your pick. and come alone, if i see any other crew members hanging around you are dead."

jimin gulped. byulmang smiled and creased his cheek, "don't fret princey, nothing will happen if you obey," he said and then left jimin.

jimin sat against the wall and began to cry from fear. he was scared. byulmang wanted to rape him and he didn't know if it was best to tell or not.


"he what?" jeongguk asked jinyoung again, "jimin followed byulmang out??"

jinyoung nodded, "byulmang seemed to have threatened him to go outside," he said, "jimin stood up but it didn't seem to work."

"where are they now??" jeongguk asked with worry.

jinyoung shook his head, "i don't know, i only saw them leave."

jeongguk thanked him for the news and left the kitchen to find jimin. he checked the sails, the dock, and the poop deck. he saw byulmang was at the dock with his father and sunni talking so jimin wasnt in his cabin. he went down to check if he was in the sleeping area.

and be hold he was. jeongguk felt relief swoop him, he made his way to jimin, "are you okay? jinyoung told me he saw you and byulmang leave together, did he hurt you?"

jimin had tears in his eyes and couldn't talk, he hugged jeongguk. the hug shocked jeongguk but he hugged him back, i am here, you'll be okay," jeongguk said as he rubbed his back.

jimin pulled back once he had calmed, "jeongguk," he said, "he wants to r-rape me," he whispered, "he wants me to meet in front of his cabin tonight." jeongguk frowned and hugged jimin tighter, "he isn't," he assured jimin.

jimin pulled away, "what do you mean?" he asked confused, "you can't stop him."

jeongguk wiped jimin's tears away, "i have an idea," jimin nodded.

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