He's Not Scary

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Heavy breathing and panting filled the huge field as the football team having their routine practice.

'Faster, faster! How can you guys get the ball from our opponent if you're moving like snail?' Max barked on top of his lungs, looking at the players.

'P'...can we take a break?' Mild said, hunching forward trying to catch his breath.

'Whine again and I'll add another 5 rounds...' Max said, staring at the boy.

'Oh man...' Mild continue running through the course.

Nat could barely breathe as he tried to keep up the pace with his teammates. Being the smallest one among the guys, Nat had to work extra hard just to keep up. He loved football and had the skills and when he got accepted into the university team while being a first year student, he was esctatic.

'Another two laps ladies!' Park yelled, receiving loud sighs from the boys.

Max's eyes wondered to small figure at the back and he frowned when he saw the guy hunching forward. Another boy came and patted his back, before the two of them continue running. Their gaze met for a second before Max looked away.

The training finally ended 40 minutes later and everyone was sprawled on the grass.

'I think I'm gonna need oxygen tank...' Blue said, breathing heavily.

'Me too...' Jimmy nodded.

Max and Park came over.

'Quit whining boys...this is just the beginning...when the league starts, it's getting harsher from then forward...'

'C'mon P...we're the top dogs among others...they can't compare to us...' Poppy said.

'Because we're at the top that we should train extra hard to stay at the top...now, pack up, and head to the shower boys...until tomorrow...' Park said with a smile.

'Here...' Max handed Nat a bottle of energy drink.

'Thank you P...' Nat grinned at the gesture. He gladly took the drink from the older one.

'Uh...P'Max...where's our drink?' Fiat asked.

'Get on your own...' Max answered and walked away.

'Seriously Nat...what did you see in that guy?' Fiat's question drew eyes on him. 'He's scary...'

'P'Max is not scary...' Nat said, smiling looking at the drink in his hand.

'Are you sure about that? Have you seen him training us? That guy is ruthless...' Jimmy frowned.

'He had to...he's the Vice captain afterall...' Nat looked at his friend.

'Let me drink that if you're just gonna stare at it...' Seng tried to snatch the bottle away from Nat but he was faster.

'P'Max gave it to me...not to you...' Nat stuck his tongue out at him.

Later that day...

Max was walking down the stairs when he met Park halfway.

'You're going to his room?' Park asked.

'Yeah...training today is hard...I just wanna see how he's doing...'

'I can't believe that my best friend is a whipped man...' Park patted Max's shoulder.

'As if you're not...let me guess, you're heading to Seng's room right?'

'No...why would I do that?' Park said, avoiding Max's knowing glare.

'Just admit it Park...you kinda like that guy...sure he's kinda clingy at times but you secretly adore him...'

'I'm leaving...' Park walked away as Max laughed at his friend.

Nat got out of the bathroom and found Max sitting on his bed.

'P...' He smiled. 'What are you doing here?'

'I came to see you of course...why didn't you lock the door? Thank god it was me...someone could've got in and steal your stuff...' Max nagged.

'Sorry P...I forgot...had to use the bathroom in hurry...' Nat grinned.

'Remember to always have your door locked up all the time...'

'Yes sir!'

'Come here...' Max patted the empty space next to him.

Nat obidiently sat next to Max. He was startled when Max suddenly lifted both of his leg and put it across his lap.

'P...' Nat could feel his cheeks flushed red.

Max slowly massaged Nat's calf, feeling the taut muscles under his touch.

'Training was hard huh?' Max looked at Nat.



'It's okay P...I understand...it's for our sake...like P' Park said, we had to train hard to stay at the top...'

Max continue to massage Nat's muscles for another half an hour. He looked over and saw Nat already dozed off, leaning against the bed headrest.

*How cute...*

'Nat...' He gently shake Nat's shoulder. 'Baby wake up...'

Nat slowly opened his eyes and saw Max smiling at him.

'Did I fell asleep?'

'Do you like my touch that much?' Max wiggled his eyebrows.

'P'Max!' Nat hit Max's broad chest with his fist.

'I'm gonna go now...don't forget to lock the door after I'm gone...'

'Uh? You're not staying over tonight?' Nat looked at Max.

'You want me to?'

Nat just nodded. Max just chuckled at his boyfriend's cuteness.

'Fine...I'll stay...'


The two got under the covers and Nat immediately snuggled closer, with Max's arm underneath his head for pillow.

'Comfy?' Max asked, draping his other arm across Nat's smaller frame.

'Very...' Nat inhaled Max's lemon body wash and relaxed as his boyfriend rubbing comforting circles on his side.

'Good night P' Max...'

'Good night baby...' Max kissed the crown of Nat's head.

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